Contest: Nigeria Flag Pendant and Necklace

Hello friends of the #jewelry community. I am joining you to participate in the ongoing community contest to show my Nigeria flag. I made the flag as a pendant to a necklace. Below, I will provide everything that has to do with the making of the pendant and the necklace.

i made the green white green color of the Nigeria flag to represent my country Nigeria for the contest that has to do with one country. I used the color green and white sand bead to make the Nigerian flag inform of a pendant. I will like to say that the Nigerian flag has green white green as it official color. The green color in the Nigerian flag stand for Agriculture while the white stand for peace and unity. The Nigerian flag was out in effect during the year 1960 after it was designed by Michael Taiwo Akintunmi.

Materials I used to make the pendant and the necklace will be highlighted below:

Nylon line.

Green colored sand bead.

White colored sand bead.

Green colored diamond shape bead.

White colored diamond shape bead.

Necklace hook.

Procedures I used to make the Nigerian flag pendant and it's necklace will also be provided below:

Now, I cut a nylon line from its main row and I have to insert 4 pieces of green colored sand bead into the nylon line. I made the beads to be at the center of the nylon line and when I did so, I have to insert the left nylon line into the right nylon line last green colored sand bead. Now, I have to insert 2 pieces of green colored sand bead into the left right nylon line and I did to insert 1 piece of green colored sand bead into the left nylon line. Now, I inserted the left nylon line into the last green colored sand bead I inserted into the right nylon line.

Now, the green colored sand bead I am inserted into the left and right nylon line I ha e to make it into 6 lines before I return the nylon lines into another side to start with new insertion of the green color sand bead to form another 6 lines. Now that I have formed two different 6 lines using the green colored sand bead, I now have to start with another insertion of white colored sand bead.

The last green colored sand bead for the second line all in one side, I have to insert 3 pieces of white colored sand bead into the right nylon line. Now, I inserted the the left nylon line into the last white sand bead from the 3 pieces I just inserted. Now, I have to insert 2 pieces of white colored sand bead into the right nylon line, I have to insert the last left nylon into the green colored sand bead from the formed beads and then I inserted it into the last white colored sand bead. I made the white colored sand bead insertion to also be 6 lines with the green colored sand bead. The white colored sand bead formation was also up to two different six lines like the green colored sand bead.

Now, I made the nylon lines to another total side of the white colored sand bead before I inserted another green colored sand beads following the same procedure for the white colored sand bead insertion and formation. I tied the nylon lines.

Now, I inserted another nylon line at the center of the green white green colored Nigeria flag pendant. I inserted 2 white colored sand bead into the left and 2 pieces also into the right nylon line. Now, I inserted 3 pieces of green colored diamond shape bead into the left and another 3 pieces into the right nylon line. Now I inserted 3 pieces of white colored diamond shape bead into the right and another 3 pieces into the left nylon line. I did the insertion to make the necklace. Now, I inserted the necklace how into both left and right nylon lines.

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