Warhammer 40k - Slowgrow 2024 comes to an end! Some great looking armies!

Last night I went through to @swordandboard Hobby store for the Slow Grow Prize giving and to play a game. Unfortunately, @xenowolfza, my opponent, needed to go back to work so we did not have a game after all.

But it was awesome to see all the armies at the event. I did not even get to take a photo of all of the armies, it was a busy evening!

So let me run you through what I saw!

Hobbyists assemble! So I am slowly getting people on Hive... @xenowolfza's head is in the foreground and just to the left, looking at the camera, yeah I see you @owen-turner hehehe.

Here is my army, the Horde Space Wolf army that I am not taking to Nationals this weekend. Instead of them, I shall take my tanks.

These soldiers WILL be fighting at the Nations however, but representing Black Templars. This means that player does not get the 10pts for having a painted army. But with Black Templars with High Marshall Helbrecht and some other characters, it will be interesting to see what they do!

This is Shaun Rumble's Aeldari I played the other day. Where are the Howling Banshees Shaun?!
He should also get an account like Owen. lol.
I believe this army was painted by Daniel though, another Eternal Carnage buddy of mine.

Jay's Imperial Knights!
In the front and flanks are Armigers, looks like 3x Warglaives and 1x Helverin. In the middle is Canis Rex and there is a... Crusader and I think a Castellan way in the back.

His colourscheme is that of a Freeblade unit, which are like Hedgeknights, but with Mecha. The army also has a lot of 3D printed effects which are really cool!

Tanya Leon's Tyranid army. Some big bigs here, which will be going to the Nationals.

A really good colourscheme and she also played all her games I believe. She snagged 1st place in 40k overall for the Slow Grow!

To get 1st place you need to do be good at both painting and playing. She put a lot of effort into her painting and they look amazing!

Warboss Johnny's Orks. Some really great painting here as well. They look colourful from a distance, but look up close...


Bridget's Thousand Sons. This is probably one of the best painted armies in the Slowgrow. If you look closely at Magnus the Red at the back you will see planets and stars within his wings done in freehand over textures.

@owen-turner's Blood Angels... at least the way they will look until the new Codex hits. Red, Black and Gold!
This is a great army and sort of makes me itch to get some of my Blood Angels painted...

Daniel Riberio's Dark Angels painted for the Slow Grow... he has more... and the Lion.

His painting is top notch and I can't wait for an Eternal Carnage with him on the table!

And that's it! And awesome experience!

People are already planning their 2025 Slow Grow armies!

Tag List:
@aussieninja, @new.things, @alonicus, @dungeondog, @xenowolfza, @riesakashiya, @tomster-17, @exptrader, @borsengelaber, @makerhacks, @jacobtothe, @fredfettmeister, @mirroredspork, @kheldar1982, @surrealis, @oblivioncubed, owen-turner

*PS, Should you wish to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know!Cheers!

Hive South Africa

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