Warhammer 40k - 4,075pts Painted Imperial Army (the new version, mostly Space Wolves)

I am getting ready for the second 10th Edition Eternal Carnage game. I have worked hard to push my points up again since the balance update brought me down in points.

This is that makes up a 4,075pts army. There is an assassin missing that is on loan to my friend Nic and there is an Inquisitor missing... not sure where he is. Possibly just hiding somewhere. I did not want to put him in a sponge case as it always snaps off his sword.

I have been building different Wolf Guard Pack leaders in Terminator Armor for my 2,000pts competitive army and this has caused me to have extra. if I run them as characters (which I have the slots for) then I can push my points till over 4,000pts!

I have a lot of tanks and flyers to paint. Perhaps I shall have more time this weekend!

Grand Imperial Army to date

Grand Total - 4,075pts

Space Wolves - 3,355pts

Characters - 725pts

  • Great Wolf Logan Grimnar - 100pts
  • Bjorn the Fell Handed - 180pts
  • Iron Priest (Techmarine with Bolter and Thunderhammer) - 70pts
  • Wolf Priest with Jump Pack (Chaplain with Jump Pack and Power Fist) - 85pts
  • Rune Priest (Librarian) - 75pts
  • Wolf Guard Pack Leader in Terminator Armor - 45pts
  • Cyberwolf - 20pts
  • Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Terminator Armor - 75pts
  • Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Terminator Armor - 75pts

Datacards - 2630pts

  • Space Wolf Scout Squad (5 models) - 85pts
  • Redemptor Dreadnought - 210pts
  • Blood Claw Pack (10 models) - 140pts
  • Grey Hunters Pack 1 (5 models) - 85pts
  • Razorback Transport - 100pts
  • Grey Hunters Pack 2 (5 models) - 85pts
  • Razorback Transport - 100pts
  • Fenrisian Wolves - 30pts
  • Long Fangs - 180pts
  • Long Fangs - 150pts
  • Vindicator - 190pts
  • Vindicator - 190pts
  • Predator Destructor - 130pts
  • Predator Destructor - 130pts
  • Land Raider - 240pts
  • Drop Pod - 70pts
  • Wulfen Dreadnought - 130pts
  • Mortis Dreadnought - 130pts
  • Stormraven Gunship - 255pts

Dark Angels - 70pts

Characters - 90pts

  • Techmarine with Heavenfall Blade - 90pts.

Ultramarines - 180pts.

  • Captain Sicarius - 85pts
  • Chaplain on Bike with The Honour Vehement - 95pts

Agents of the Imperium - 450pts

  • Inquisitor Torquemada Coteaz - 75pts
  • Inquisitor - 55pts
  • Inquisitor - 55pts
  • Vindicare Assassin - 80pts
  • Callidus Assassin - 90pts
  • Culexus Assassin - 85pts
  • Inquisatorial Acolyte - 10pts.


Hive South Africa

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