TABLETOP/WARHAMMER - My first two games of 9th Edition after years of not playing!

Good day to everyone on Hive that might stumble across this post as well as a hearty greeting to the Tabletop/DND community. Zak here from Cape Town, South Africa.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been dusting off my warhammer miniatures and getting back into the game. Besides wanting to play again, my kids are old enough to learn the rules and play with me or against me and we can just really have a lot of fun!

I got together with my friend Nicholas to play at least one game, we ended up playing two which was great as it gave me the chance to play test different things as well as get more familiar with some core rules.

I started playing this game... something like 20-22 years ago. My first game with Space Wolves after collecting my very first miniatures was with Nicholas and so it was only fitting that I play him again first thing into 9th edition.

The Armies

Space Wolves

So I fielded my Wolves with Ulrik the Slayer, a unit of Blood Claws in a Rhino transport, a unit of Grey Hunters in a Transport, a unit of Long Fangs, a Vindicator and (I forgot to set them up) two Attack Bikes.

Death Guard

I faced off against the Death Guard. I won't even be able to tell you what the specific units are called, but basically: A character Lord, a Psyker, the Tallyman and one more character (4 characters!), a squad of 4 special Nurgle Terminators, a big Death Guard squad, a Plague Zombie squad and a demon engine of some sort with a big gun!

The Battles

In short, the battles were short and brutal. I got to learn about Command Points and strategems. We would exchange a bit of shooting before getting stuck into combat.

Generally, Death Guard are as tough as nails and they have a lot of abilities that trigger once you are close enough. So for a close combat army like mine they are a real trouble. They even have things that shut down your charge bonuses and that is definitely a problem for Space Wolves.

I did learn how to kill units though and learned that armies cover distances a lot faster in this edition than long ago. I don't think that this would feel as pronounced to players who have been playing each edition.

Look at that battle line! Truly inspiring stuff. My stuff is not painted and there are some load-proxy models on the table.

I am setting up to paint in the garage very soon! More on that next time!


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