Slow Grow League 2024 - Progress Update 1.3

Slow Grow League 2024 - Progress Update 1.3 - Match Games and close for Feb 2024.

Good day, fellow Hivers, friends, and the awesome community! ๐Ÿ˜ As I continue this yearโ€™s Slow Grow League hosted by our local hobby store every year, you can read more about it here. (@xenowolfza/the-10-000-and-the) (@xenowolfza/warhammer-40-000-tabletop-slow-410d3d02192e8)

As per my previous post, I need to give a quick update on my status and the progress I made with the slow grow league. The focus of this post will be on my progress with the battles for February. I am not going into much detail for each battle, so I will just give a quick overview of each, as these are still small 500-point battles.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿค“๐ŸŽฒ๐Ÿ˜

Game 1: Me (Custodes) vs. Space Wolves

For my first game, I faced off against the Space Wolves infantry-focused army. This was quite the challenge as I was facing close to 23 models vs. my 6. I moved in slowly and kept one model in deep strike. The squad of 5 Custodian guards was quickly shot at by my opponent's long fangs and their lascannons, devastating a few models, leaving me with only 3.
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After a quick move and charge, my opponent moved in with his blood claws to finish them off. Unfortunately, my one model did not do well on the deep strike and was quickly engaged and taken out.

I learned some valuable lessons in the first game and adapted my list as well as my tactics for the next game.
WIN = Space Wolves.๐Ÿบ

Game 2: Me (Custodes) vs. Necrons

For my second match and also my compulsory game for the month to earn points, as the others are only bonus points, was against the Necrons. My opponent laid back and started shooting at me from afar with a strong unit at the back, and the rest of his units had some powerful shooting. But Custodes are tough bastards!

I moved in quickly with the Guard unit, shot, and charged the bulk of his army. I completely wiped out 20 models and the character. My opponent countered and killed one model, which was then brought back with a stratagem.
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He also brought back some models with the Necrons' revive ability, but these were taken out quickly again. I then deep striked with my Allarus terminators and took out the Cryptek-vehicle unit that was shooting at me.

After that, I finished off the remainder of his models, and the battle was over.
WIN = Custodes!โš”๏ธ๐Ÿ’ช

Game 3: Me (Custodes) Vs. Dark Angels

The third game was looking to be quite the challenge as my opponent was packing out his units of Dark Angels.

It started off with some far-off shooting from both of us, but I engaged quickly as I have learned from my previous games that Custodes are tough and strong.

I got in range of a good charge and engaged his forces from the front with my Custodian Guard (Sword and Shield unit), and the Allarus terminators did a deep strike from behind. I lost 3 Guard models, but his whole force was obliterated.
WIN = Custodes!โš”๏ธ๐Ÿ’ช


So far, the Custodes are playing well, and I still need to learn a lot as new units and models will come into play, but I am enjoying them immensely and can't wait to paint more models and start playing with them. I will be doing an extra 250 points this month, which will be my new unit of Custodian Wardens (Pics and info to be shared soon on a new post!) The journey and league continue!๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŽฒ

Will share more soon. ๐Ÿ˜€

Thanks for reading!
Until next time - Peace๐Ÿ˜€โœŒ๏ธ!

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