Warhammer 40 000 Tabletop – Slow Grow League 2024 - Progress Update v1.2

Slow Grow League 2024 - Progress Update v1.2

Good day, fellow Hivers, friends, and the awesome community!😁

As I continue this year’s Slow Grow League hosted by our local hobby store every year, you can read more about it here.(@xenowolfza/the-10-000-and-the)

After work on Thursday, I quickly met up with my Wolf brother and hobby buddy, @zakludick, to get the models he has been building for me. In the front picture, you'll find me (the dude with glasses🤓 and an epic beard – lol 😜), and @zakludick is at the back, with an upcoming epic beard! 😜 These models will be part of my future army list as the league continues until August 2024.

Here are some more pictures showcasing my current progress; see below. (For reference, the build, paint, and play schedule is as follows: Feb & March: 500 points, April: 250 points, May: 250 points, June: 500 points, July: 250 points, August: 250 points, and then ending at 2000 points in total.)📘

My 500 points list of Models:

Adeptus Custodes Shield Host


Shield-Captain (165 Points)
1x Praesidium Shield
1x Sentinel blade
Enhancements: Unstoppable Destroyer

Trajann Valoris (160 Points) - Warlord
1x Watcher’s Axe


Custodian Guard (180 Points)
4x Custodian Guard
4x Praesidium Shield
4x Sentinel blade

The Current Progress:

Custodian Guard -with Sentinel blade Praesidium Shield:

Shield-Captain -Sentinel blade Praesidium Shield

Trajann Valoris

  • being commissioned(someone with more epic skills are painting this model for me) - will share as soon as I get some pictures. 🧑‍🎨🖌️🎨

They are still a work in progress , I will be painting more and playing my first game for 500 points. - follow me to see more!

Will share more soon. 😀

Thanks for reading!
Until next time - Peace😀✌️!

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