I'm moving away for a while from painting large or numerous models for a while. Just want to experiment with my painting techniques for a while. Especially with the color gradation and transition between shade to tint. So in this post a pick a single Sequitor models just to see how far I could detail the models.

As usual my first step was to prime the models with the Abaddon Black color. I want to create a more darker impression on this models, and start to put highlight section by section. This models is a uniques Sequitor named Tavian of Sarnassus which is parts of warband called Ironsoul's Condemnors. Therefor this model is unique by being decorated with a stone base.


The next step is to paint the primary color for this model which is gold from Retributor Armour and dark blue from Kantor Blue. Later I will put a dark wash to put greater shade into the models.



Next I color the cloth parts using Army Painter Banshee Brown. The cream color should give better blend with shade color such as Steel Legion Drab for the concealed area. For the metallic weapon, I used the regular Leadbelcher. And then I tried to flow a Coelia Greenshade into the blue robe. Unfortunately the wash left a reflective spot, which doesn't seemed natural for a fabric.


Next we put more details into the leather strap and belt. Again we use Leadbelcher to color the piercing decorating the robe. The mace have several engravement which I want to color with glowing teal light. For this I use Army Painter Hydra Turquoise to create the glowing effect.



Lastly I wrap up all the remaining works, which includes:

  1. Decorating the base with Karak Stone and Runeblade Brown. And then Agrellan Earth for the peripheral soil.
  2. A combination of Altdorf Guard Blue and Alaitoc Blue to create exposure gradation over the blue robe.
  3. Hydra Turquoise is used to color the vial. And then a watered down Hydra Turquoise are applied on the peripheral of the vial and weapon to create the glowing effect.
  4. Army Painter Bright Gold are used to color the embossed marking on the shield and the right pauldron.
  5. Agrax Earthshade are applied in plenty amount over the gold armor to create the dity and worn out effect.





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