A Great Achievement: My 1st Anniversary of Being a Hive Blogger


So glad to say, I have one year down in Hive blogging and forever I will keep on going.



Good day Hivers! A Happy 1st Anniversary to me. Upon receiving the notification that I'm one year on this platform already, mixed emotions were elicited. How will I celebrate it? A happy lunch with my family or make it simple to buy a slice of cake?

Anniversary can be a good source of strong bonds and my attachment to this platform has become more amazing. I'm already one year in Hive Blockchain😍. It is worth celebrating as it allows me to reminisce about those months when my skills were sharpened and how they changed and shaped me better.

Due to my side-to-side to-do list, I wasn't able to celebrate my 1st Hivesary on the said date, October 22, 2023. However, as it has been said it is better late than never.

...on this day, I would like to share how I celebrated this momentous achievement in the world of blogging.

As I look back on the most important day that marked my existence in Hive, I was delighted to inform my family to celebrate this outside. My journey here is full of remarkable and cheerful memories, so it should not be taken for granted. A simple celebration will do.


With all of this goodness, I deserve to celebrate my 1-year existence on this platform. I'm deeply honored and so blessed to have reached this far.

We left home early and opted to celebrate my anniversary in Bogo City, Cebu. My children were so excited to have heard that we would be having a family lunch date due to the special moment that is worth celebrating.


Before we preceded our lunch date with my loved ones, we bought a cake to make this celebration happier and complete. RM chose her favorite flavor, the Black Forest of Red Ribbon.

Lunch at Ze Marco


My children love to eat at Capitancillo however, they refused us due to the catering service booked on this day. Ze Marco was our second choice. It is situated at Sor D. Rubio Street Bogo City, Cebu.


We were looking for our favorite Filipino cuisine which is affordable. This was our second time to be eating in this restaurant.



Ze Marco has an elegant ambiance. I love the decorations that are truly admired by my children. It is cool to our senses. The staff are all friendly and accommodating. This is one of the reasons why customers keep on coming back due to their good customer service.


RM volunteered to blow the candle, it cannot be denied blowing it is a child's fave

Since this was a Hive Anniversary celebration, I let my children choose their desired menu. We have different orders. RM ordered shrimp rolls, my second child requested Bicol's fried chicken, my eldest wanted the Carbonara her fave ever, my husband Bicol's express, and mine is fried pork belly.




While waiting for our orders, I was able to encourage my children to join Hive someday. It is on this platform where there is the sharpening of their skills in writing that will surely shape them for betterment like me.




We had a happy lunch. I never thought I was already one year and still counting. I'm so grateful I lasted here this long, and more motivated to keep on blogging. I love seeing my reputation keep on growing, this is so inspiring.


The great vibe that I felt inside the restaurant was as good as the feeling that I got, reaching a year without even realizing it😍. How time files fast.



My family was happy and kept on looking forward to my achievement here. I'm thankful to be part of this platform and I will keep on doing great so my children will be motivated to be joining here soon.


It was indeed an amazing celebration. A Happy 1st Anniversary to myself. Great job and kudos to me!

That's all for this blog and cheers to more years to be achieved.

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