Slowly but surely

Hello,hello,hellooo my hiver's! It's your melcakes again!.Welcome,welcome to my blog.How was your week?Well I hope you guys are fine.Today I will share how blogging help me.Have a good time reading my hiver's 😊


How does blogging help me??

Blogging help me in many ways aside from the income it helps me in a way that it improve my writing skills and build my confident in writing because before when I didn't know about blogging I am very afraid to write specially if it is English because I know that I don't have the skills and I am having a hard time creating and expressing my thoughts in English.


However,when it comes to confidence in writing,I honestly don't have the courage or the confidence to write because of so many reasons like I'm afraid to be judge,afraid of being judge in my grammar and I'm afraid to have a mistake in expressing my thoughts.In short I am a coward when it comes in English writing.


But because of the support that I received from my friends, I didn't hold back and ignore the negative things holding me.I didn't let the cowardness take me instead I let the positive take me.


I also see blogging as an opportunity to share my experience and to inspire people.When blogging was introduced to me I was having a hard time in making my decision so I come up with an idea why not I balanced the two side inside my mind the negative and positive.Negative mind says"I am afraid of judgement" but my positive mind says that" it is your time to inspire people this is what you want to inspire,share your learnings to others and mostly to improve your writings".Positive wins against negative and look where blogging brings me I am already 3 months in blogging and was able to express and write confidently.I also realize that if you're seeking for Improvement don't be afraid to step out at your comfort zone.

Slowly but surely

Because of blogging I saw the development of my writing skills although it is not that really improved but at least there's a progress.Slowly and in step by step I will surely see the best in my writings.Slowly but surely.



Nevertheless, because of blogging I got the chanced to meet great people in hive.I really appreciate how they welcome me when I was a newbie.I feel like it's a home and this is where I belong.

And because of blogging, I have been able to see the beauty in different parts of the world.Just by watching and reading the blog of other hiver's, it gives me the feeling like I am also with the country they visit. I also got the chanced to know some traditions of a certain country and thier foods and architectural design.I became knowledgeable in some things that I didn't know before.

"I am always aching for Improvement"

That's it for today's blog my hiver's 😊.Thankyou for spending your time reading my blog, I hope you enjoy and like this blog.Always put a smile on your face,😃spread love💗,peace ✌️and kindness.See you on my next blog.🥰

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