Our Constant Love for Hive Goes Beyond Measure: OCD Onboarding Program and Hive Orientation

An overwhelming day everyone!

Last Saturday, we had a great time sharing the hive with another set of aspirants. I never thought how far we have gone this time. Sir @natsve54 had invited us to share hive with his colleagues at Malingin Elementary School, Malingin, Bogo City.


So, let me share with you our experience of bringing hive to another school in the north.

The Arrival


We arrived at the venue at exactly 8:36 in the morning together with my two invitees. There were two invitees of @naymhapz who arrived first and also Mam @dehai. The accommodating school of sir @natsve54 can cater to more than 30 aspirants.




While waiting for everybody, I and Mam @dehai roam around the school looking for their plants. They have healthy, vigorous, and vibrant plants. I am thinking of my garden in school and what kind of plants I might be growing there.

Then we went back to the room and not later than 10 minutes, other hivers and onboarders arrived especially @indayclara who came from San Remegio. We had a lot of chikas going on the corner since it's quite a few weeks we hadn't talked about life and hive😁.




Past 9 o'clock, @indayclara facilitated the orientation. She started the orientation with positive energy and a beautiful aura. I was stunned by her look and style this time. Pretty😍. We missed our main character here, sir @ybanezkim26, get well soon sir. Nevertheless, despite his absence, we were able to cross the orientation successfully.

While waiting for sir @intoy.bugoy,(because the presentation was on his laptop), miss Indayclara kept the ball rolling by letting the invitees talk a bit of information about themselves. Like what are their likes and hobbies? Everyone was game on it so, miss Indayclara started it with the person in front. At first, they were so nervous but later on they were able to cope and control their nervousness as they heard from other bloggers how legit the platform is.



As soon as Sir Intoy arrived, miss Indayclara welcomed him and talked a little bit of information about him while setting up the laptop to TV. It's all set, now miss Indayclara started to present the platform. She talked about how she started this platform, and thus resigned from her previous job due to the pandemic and also her will to quit. This platform has been a great help to everybody when it comes to emotional distress, we have something like a freedom wall to express our thoughts and ideas.

Before this day happened, indayclara assigned us onboarders to talk about the hive and so, I was tasked to tackle What do you see in a blog.



These photos are from Mam @cidanmea

I let them show a blog from the latest blog of sir Intoy. What we can see in a blog are the title, community where you posted your blog, how many minutes the blog would take us to read, how many words, and the content/body.

This is just so simple yet we have to understand and bear in mind all of those.


The next one was, @ciadanmea who spoke about DOs and Don't S of hive, particularly on NO PLAGIARISM, no spamming, no recycling of old posts, and others. Indayclara added some other pointers not included on the lists and other clarifications from the slides.


@naymhapz took the lead and she talked about how to make an introduction. Since it is been discussed, what do we see in a blog and the do's and don'ts so it's easy for the aspirants to create one.


Last but definitely not the least speaker who talked about how to get curated on your succeeding blogs, Mam @dehai explained what should we do to be curated. The upvotes we get from our blogs will be divided into two (50/50) 50% going back to the curators and 50% for us. Then, our half part will be divided into two again which is the third portion going to our HBD and the other half going to our HP token.

@indayclara added a few ideas regarding Mam Haide's topic. Then, a few questions were raised by the attendees. Other questions were a bit tricky but @indayclara were able to answer them one by one.

And so it ended with a SMILE in our face and hearts.




Photo opportunity with the participants and onboarders. I can see in their faces how glad and positive they were in the world of blogging.

It's time to eat!




The food was blessed by sir @natsve54 and a BIG THANKS to sir for accommodating us in his assigned school. I can say that you're a selfless and compassionate school head. Hats off to you sir!

To other hivers who didn't make it to the orientation but selflessly share a portion of their hard-earned money. Mam @missleray, @mommyjane, @ancrafts, @annetimistic, @lovinglymers, @heyitsjian, and @missbebeth. And also to @iamgaz09, @naymhapz, @callmesmile, @ciadanmea, and others who silently contribute to the victory of the orientation.


After eating, we convened for our upcoming Christmas Party. We will make it on December 20+ date. Other details will be posted soon. Yay! This is sooo excited!


These are my invitees, Shabby Leigh, and Justine Nicole. Soon, they will join us here on the hive.



Since the school is 1.5 kilometers away from the mainline so, we have to hike to get on the main road. More chikas while walking.


That's it on our Hive Orientation in Malingin Elementary School Hivers and a lot of love for hive. Thanks for always supporting hive and have a great day! I joBEElieve I can, so you can😉🫶


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