Getting Bigger and Bolder: Tabogon Hivers Join Another OCD Onboarding Orientation at Kal-anan NHS


Sharing hives with everyone has been our goal. We the Tabogon teachers are always on the go to this. Just this Saturday, we joined another hive orientation to wider our knowledge about hive. Every time I listened to orientation, there is new learning. Hive has been a big part of us teachers because this serves as a stress reliever and a way of sharing with anyone instead of other social media.

The Venue (Kal-anan National High School)







The school has a spacious area where some students can cater. It is very clean and pro-green because of the plants that were well-maintained by their utility.

We arrived at the venue past nine o'clock in the morning and gladly that we were not late. We went straight to the science laboratory room where our orientation was held. Then, a little chit-chat with co-bloggers there.






After setting up the needed during the orientation, @indayclara facilitated the program and shared her experience of joining the hive. Before she continues to her topic, she lets @selflessgem and @missjoycee talk about how was their experience so far in the hive. They were thankful as well to co-bloggers for spreading hive to them. They have invited all the interested future bloggers to be in the orientation so they can tell that it's legit. The attendees also have to speak about his/her hobbies in life. They actively introduce themselves and happily tell us about their hobbies. We, the bloggers have to speak as well so they can tell how happy we are on this platform.



Sir @ybanezkim26 was the next speaker who tackled Hive Blockchain and its ecosystem. As I said, at every orientation I have new learnings because in this topic not all the mentioned were absorbed but this time my knowledge about hive has gained. As for now, I will still focus on blogging maybe sooner or later I'll be into games.



Sir @intoy.bugoy discussed Hive Interface where he used as an example the account of Sir Kim. From the profile, where we can find some important details to be remembered down to how to make a draft. Maybe the future bloggers can't absorb it yet but soon they will know this.


While the discussion was going on, the homecourt teacher bloggers served food to the participants. They have prepared butong lamaw, pizza, soft drinks, and lechon manok. Thanks to teacher-bloggers who extended their help to make this happen.


Indayclara talks about the DOs and DON'Ts in Hive, How to make an introduction, the communities that suites their interests, and others. She emphasized that we should engage with other bloggers, we have to comment on other's work and be friendly.

Tabogon teacher-bloggers

Outside Tabogon professionals

Teachers and students


The Tabogon Hivers who enthusiastically attended was @mrexperienciado, @selflessgem, @missjoycee, @naymhapz, @ciadanmea, @netswriting, @annetimistic, @virgoxsy, and @callmesmile. With the special participation of sir @ybanezkim26, @intoy.bugoy and @indayclara. Since the start, we have been so grateful for these people.

After the orientation, we had our lunch in the same venue. It is a great bond we have made and is forever to be cherished. After a scrumptious lunch with the gang, we then bid goodbye to everyone as we have to attend our next flee. It was supposed to take a dip in the Banyan Spring however, we all had errands that day, so it's the three of them had to go there.


While waiting for my husband, I get to take this view with the gang. They were ready to go to the spring.


How was your multiple times bigger hugging the Acacia tree inday? Hehe

That's it for today Hivers. I do believe that you'll be able to read my blog. Thank you and have a great day!

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