Hey! It's my 1st HIVE birthday

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It was an evening of June 18, 2022 when I attended a hive webinar hosted by @tpkidkai. It was Saturday night and I am late. I am worried for coming late only to find out that I am the only one attendee.

I thought the webinar will be cancelled because I am the only one who was there but still the host go on teaching me the basics of Hive. Thanks to him, I knew hive.

My account was created that night but I posted my first and introduction blog in the month of July. It takes me so long to start but it was said, It's better late than never.

I never thought I would reach this milestone in my hive journey. I never imagine before that I can reach this far but I was surprised when @hivebuzz congratulated me. Congrats self!

Thank you so much to all my friends, readers, upvoters, rebloggers and curators for all the support you have given me. I never reached this far without you all. Thank you also to the Almighty for the knowledge and strength He had given me day by day.


Hive as a diary
Hive became my online diary where I can write my feelings, emotions, experiences, achievements, stories and even sharing some recipes.

Hive as a book
Hive is an online book for me where I can learn a lot. I can go to different communities and read different topic according to my interest.

Reading makes you learn, commenting makes you engage with other writer.

Hive as side hustle
Hive also became my side hustle. A full time mom and a housewife like me always find ways to help my husband financially. Knowing hive is a big help to me.

Share, learn and earn in hive.


In my one year here in hive I never thought that I was able to make this.

I always doubted myself, I always thought I couldn't but thanks to those people who always encourage me to go on, thanks to those people whose journey here in hive also becomes my inspiration.


Growing is essential, so I am also giving my best to grow my account. I am joining power up day every first of the month as I can.

I also try to join power up month but though I am not that consistent still it is a big help.


Take one step at a time
Don't rush everything. Take one step at a time. If you feel tired, take a rest and then continue moving forward.

Don't be afraid to ask
If you don't know about one thing, learn to ask. There are communities in Hive that have discord and any member can help you in your inquiries.

Engage means you need to interact with other writers. Read, comment, upvote and reblog. Leaving a comment to someone's blog is like saying, hey! I am here, nice to meet you.

Never plagiarize
Be original. Use your own photos and your own words. Never steal someone's ideas (words, sentences, whole blog). You can still use photos from free sites like unsplash but always put the source.

Post your article on a community where it fits in best.
There are lots of communities in Hive where you can post your blog. Always read community rules first before posting to avoid being muted by an admin or moderator.

I think those are the most important tips I can give. Hopefully it helps.

Learning is a continuous process. I know there are still a lot more I haven't learned yet here in hive but I know I will continue to learn day by day.

I also want to grow my reputation, grow my followers and overall to grow my account. I know I can't do it alone without YOU. Please know that your continuous support is very much appreciated. Let's keep moving, let's keep growing!


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