Some newbie thoughts and suggestions

Hive is a decentralized platform and here we are the owner of our own accounts and we can publish without any restrictions and it is the beauty of the web 3.0 platform. I joined here approximately 2 years ago and during that time ups and downs happened in my life and several times I left the Hive platform. The vision was quite simple and it was that I wasn't about to understand the potential of this platform. Later I realised the potential and came back strongly.

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In the beginning time, one thought came to my mind many times why I have not received upvotes from whales. I used to think my article was the qualitiful one and I deserved whales upvote. I also felt many higher reputation users receiving whale upvotes when their post wasn't as qualitiful as my post and they were getting upvotes because they became favorite users of whales. At that time I wasn't able to reach for help from others to know better about the platform and how the system works here. So those were the thoughts that came to my immature mind and I think the same kind of thoughts may also come to the mind of the current newbie too. So today I am here to talk about such kinds of thoughts and what you should do when it comes to your mind.

Firstly if you are a newbie then you consider yourself lucky. It's because when I joined this platform, it was not so easy to get a guideline. The reason was most of the users joined here almost similar time and there are knowledge was not enough to provide guidelines because they were also facing difficulties understanding everything. Few users were available to provide guidelines and most of the time it happened that newbies could not reach to those users who could provide guidelines. But in the current time, newbies can easily get the support of others easily if they can receive guidelines from many users. I think every experienced user doesn't deny helping newbies if they ask for help. Besides some programs/campaigns have been ongoing in recent times and their main purpose is to train newbies and provide every support and guidelines a newbie needs. Because of it a newbies can understand about this platform better.

Let's talk about the post quality. It is our nature to think our post quality is the best quality but I believe that our post quality can be better than the current time and there exists the possibility of improvement. Besides, I think we should not consider our first quality to others because every author has their unique style of writing because of their unique thoughts. So comparing your article with another author is illogical but it is advisable if you can learn something from other authors then you can try to learn it to improve the quality of your article.

In the case of receiving upvotes from whales, I think still newbies are the lucky ones. At the current time, some whales trying to reach newbies to keep them motivated. So if you are writing quality content then there is a good number of possibilities to receive upvotes of whales. If you are not receiving upvotes of whales then try to keep improving your quality and whales won't be able to ignore your presence. But remember that nothing is granted and you should not feel demotivated if you are not getting good rewards.

Don't think Hive is only a platform for earning. Expand your insight of because it's more than that and think of Hive like a family. If you are a beginner then first you should focus on your growth rather than focusing on getting more rewards. Remember that with your growth many things will be easier for you. You can learn many things and gain knowledge from other's posts and indirectly it will help you to improve your post quality, Besides engagement will help you to stay motivated because it will help you to make friends and they have the power to motivate you. Do you know in my case sometimes I felt very good when I received some good comments even if I didn't receive rewards? Besides engagement and growth help to get rewards automatically.

The another thing I advise newbies is not to be jealous. This is the thing which can be harmful to you. I have seen some user who always check how many reward other user receiving. Sometimes I feel they check other people's rewards more than their own and feel disappointed for receiving low rewards in their posts. It really creates an impact on your mind and then on your activity which is not good for you. In this case, you should think " I will improve my post-quality and one day I will get rewards like them". One is jealousy and another is self-spirit which is different from each other.

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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