2nd Hive Anniversary of mine

Hello everyone, It's me, Intishar, Once again with another post but today the topic is totally different from my regular post. Can you guess the topic 🤔🤔?

Obviously, I think you already guessed the topic of this post because of my post title. So today is a special day for me and it's my 2nd Hive Anniversary. I am very excited for the day.

I was thinking to celebrate the day while I have seen other users celebrating the day but It's my bad luck I forgot about the day. Thank you @hivebuzz for reminding me about the special day otherwise I may not remember the day.

What special I have done today?

Today I returned from my village and my parents are still in the village. So I am alone in my flat today and nobody is here with me to celebrate. Besides I need to cook for today and I have very little time today to do anything special. But I get an idea to celebrate the special day. There were some little cakes in my house and some gem chocolates of my little brother. I just tried to make cakes beautiful using those gems. Besides I cooked noodles also to make my day special. I was able to do those things with little effort. I kept the cakes in the box😅😅 and it was giving me a vibe like I brought a big cake.

What are my achievements in 2 years?

Hehe. My achievements in the last two years aren't huge and I was not too active in the first year and in the middle of the second year. But in my second year, my achievements are good compared to the first year. You can get an idea after seeing the badge given by Hivebuzz. Just have a look. I know my achievements are not huge but I am satisfied with and it's not ending here. And I am currently super active in the Hive compared to past times.

Turned up into Minnow from a Redfish is an achievement of mine. And I will try to be a Dolphin in the next year although I know it's not an easy task for me but I will try my best to achieve this. I will never stop dreaming.

Suggestion to my juniors

Giving suggestions is the best thing we can do and I am also good at it but I will give very few suggestions to my juniors in this platform. ( Still, I don't know many things😅)

  • Keep engaging with others
  • Be consistent
  • Enjoy Hiving
  • Make friends
  • Don't expect too much from the beginning
  • Never stop learning

Some interesting fact

At the time of my first anniversary, I received 200HP delegations for one month from @thekittygirl and this time I also received a delegation of 200HP from her in a random draw. I don't know how coincidence happen both times and in the between of the year, I never won the draw. It is my luck of Hive anniversary or something else. I don't know.

One special mention

Yes, how can I forget about it? The special mention deserves to the person who invited me to this platform and helped me to understand about it. Can you guess who is she?
Anyway don't need to think too much it's @ayesha-malik .
Thank you Ayesha-malik for bringing me here☺☺.

All the pictures used here are mine otherwise properly stated

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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