Bitcoin pizza day in Guarenasflow [ESP/ENG]

Hace dos días @mundomanaure me invitó a celebrar el Bitcoin Pizza Day junto a la comunidad de @guarenasflow, el encuentro se dió en su casa que está ubicada en guarenas, soy de pensar que los hogares se impregnan con la vibra de sus integrantes y éste fué un lugar que me transmitió mucha tranquilidad, no es de esos lugares de los que te quieres ir rápido, de hecho, terminé yéndome bastante tarde, tomé el último bus que salía a Caracas a eso de la 7:30 pm😅 yo nunca había ido a guarenas, aunque cuando vivía en Guatire el bus obviamente pasaba por allí.

Two days ago my friend @mundomanaure invited me to celebrate the Bitcoin Pizza Day with the guarenasflow community, the meeting took place in his house which is located in guarenas, I think that homes are impregnated with the vibe of its members and this was a place that transmitted me a lot of tranquility, it is not one of those places that you want to leave quickly, in fact, I ended up leaving quite late, I took the last bus that left to Caracas at about 7: 30 pm😅 I had never been to guarenas, although when I lived in Guatire the bus obviously went through there.

Pasamos un rato muy agradable comiendo pizza hasta no poder más, tomando unos tragos de ron y hablando de todo un poco, pude conocer a otros compañeros de la comunidad de guarenasflow, es grato conocer gente nueva con tan buenas vibras como ellos, la verdad es que la pase extraordinariamente, dicen que para pasarla bien no se trata del lugar sino de las personas, en esta ocasión se sumó la maravillosa vibra del hogar de mi amigo y las increíbles personas que allí estaban, me gustó mucho conocer esa parte de Guarenas, realmente valió la pena irme un poco mas tarde...

Hive realmente ha sido una aventura, llevo casi un mes por acá, pero lo que he aprendido es un mundo, hace dos meses no me hubiera imaginado viendo clases sobre Hive, incluso no hubiera pensado que Hive me llevaría a Guarenas para celebrar el Bitcoin Pizza Day, son experiencias que agradezco bastante, si todo esto ha pasado en tan solo un mes, estoy ansiosa por ver como Hive transformará mi vida en unos años, mientras tanto me estoy disfrutando mucho todo el aprendizaje y coincidir con personas que han logrado un crecimiento en hive me llena de entusiasmo y me hace creer que también puedo.

We had a very nice time eating pizza until we couldn't eat anymore, having some rum drinks and talking about everything a little bit, I was able to meet other members of the guarenasflow community, it is nice to meet new people with such good vibes as them, the truth is that I had an extraordinary time, they say that to have a good time is not about the place but about the people, this time it was added the wonderful vibe of my friend's home and the incredible people who were there, I really liked to know that part of Guarenas, it was really worth to leave a little later..

Hive has really been an adventure, I have been here for almost a month, but what I have learned is a world, two months ago I would not have imagined seeing classes on Hive, even I would not have thought that Hive would take me to Guarenas to celebrate the Bitcoin Pizza Day, are experiences that I am very grateful, if all this has happened in just one month, I am eager to see how Hive will transform my life in a few years, meanwhile I am really enjoying all the learning and meeting people who have achieved growth in hive fills me with enthusiasm and makes me grow that I can too.

El Bitcoin Pizza Day en @guarenasflow concluyó gratamente, espero seguir disfrutando experiencias como ésta gracias a Hive. Amigo @mundomanaure gracias por la invitación y por abrirme las puertas de tu casa, @fabii @psyshock @rondydjprod @sgarciacine @picotart les agradezco infinitamente el rato muchachos, disfruté mucho compartir con ustedes ✨

Espero sea del agrado de todos por acá esté post, me encanta compartir estás experiencias, gracias por leer, les mando un abrazo gigante a todos 🫂

Bitcoin Pizza Day at @guarenasflow ended pleasantly, I hope to continue enjoying experiences like this thanks to Hive. Friend @mundomanaure thanks for the invitation and for opening the doors of your house to me, @fabii @psyshock @rondydjprod @sgarciacine @picotart I thank you guys infinitely for the time, I really enjoyed sharing with you ✨.

I hope everyone likes this post, I love to share these experiences, thanks for reading, I send a giant hug to all 🫂

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