One year on the blockchain


photo was created using canva

This post should have been done like two days ago, but I've been preoccupied.

So, I was just about to finish writing my previous post "the truth shall set you free", when I received a notification from hivebuzz. I thought maybe it's just the usual

Congratulations @b0s! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

But I was wrong, I received this bad boy.



Has it really been a year? It's all gone by so fast. If I'm being honest with myself. I'm not a year older yet, seeing as I only became active about five months ago. Nevertheless my account was created on December 15 (approximately a month after my birthday, November 16, just so I can't forget it again). Therefore I am a year on the blockchain 🥳.

The year 2021 (my first year on hive) will forever be a memorable one for me. Not just because it's my first (they say you never forget your first, lol) but because it was filled with so many memorable experiences.

When I created my account, I went through a couple of articles and I didn't believe I could write anything worth reading, not to talk of being as good as the posts I saw. I didn't bother writing any post. I just left. @k-banti just kept encouraging me to atleast create my Introduction post and after about four months of procrastination I finally did it.

I was amazed by the reception I received (even though the post wasn't great).

Like I said earlier, I didn't think there was anything worth sharing about myself so I became inactive till the next month when I had the idea to share a Christmas trip from 2019. At that point in time I'd say I didn't know anything about hive, because I simply came, dropped my post, and left. After no one voted or engaged with the post (obviously), I was frustrated and I didn't come on hive for another month.

I finally came back about five months ago when I started learning how to make shoes. I felt it was something people would find interesting. That was when K-banti advised me to start reading and commenting on other people's posts. I started little by little and i got used to it. Somehow I found my way to the terminal's discord, learnt a lot of things, and that kickstarted my Hive journey.


This year has been filled with so many fond memories. Like the first time I withdrew liquid hive, I felt on top of the world and kept checking just to be sure it was actually there. Or the first time I spoke during #PYPT, it was a nerve-wracking experience. There's also the chess tournaments every weekend, the inkwell weekly short story prompts, and a host of others.

I remember when the price of hive began to rise, I was thinking it was the usual rise to 1 dollar and dip back to 0.8 but I was wrong. Luckily for me, I converted my hbd to hive at 1.5 and it skyrocketed to 3 dollars (investor vibes). I ended up splitting the hive into two, I powered up one and withdrew the other.

One moment I won't be forgetting anytime soon was yesterday when I was won @dreemsteem's lucky draw.


I've met a lot good people here, people who go out of their way to help others, people who I've been able to connect with, funny and interesting people, people I would like to meet in person.

I can't imagine how this year would have been without hive. Like, I seriously can't imagine what I would be doing.


Since I began understanding hive, I always so my best to assist or help other people with things they don't know. I've tried onboarding (onboarded two people), but geez it's a lot of work. And it's always annoying when you put so much effort to teaching someone and they don't listen. Anyway, I'm still looking to onboard, but just people who are genuinely interested.

I've really enjoyed my first year here, and I'm looking forward to many more years.

This will serve as my entry to @rutablockchain's challenge. You can check it out here.

I'm inviting @iskafan @jaydr and @khaleesii to participate. If you're reading this and you want to participate, feel free to join in.



Thank you for taking your time to read this post. Your support, feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful day.

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