Imparting New Knowledge To Others (Hive Orientation)

It's exciting to learn things when you are baffled. -annetimistic

Orientation about Hive in Kal-anan National High School on 29th of July, 2023.

I woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning. I prepared breakfast for my husband and my son. Next, I took care of my son's routine every morning including his shower, changing clothes, and feeding him for breakfast. After, I took a shower. I had planned that I will bring my son to the orientation with my husband because he was my driver.


We had an orientation about how "Hive" really works. Our mentors discussed the details of Hive.
( @indayclara, @intoy.bugoy @ybanezkim26). Miss Clara allows them to share their personal information, interests, or hobbies. Then, the on boarders share their journey in blogging. They share the topics that they published. Also, they said that they enjoy doing Hive because they can go to any place and capture photos with a purpose.


Miss Clara Introduced Mr. Kim to discuss Hive. Before that, she even shared her experiences in doing Hive. She shared some tips on how to do Hive easily.

This is the part where Mr. Kim discussed the meaning of Hive and its function in social media.


He discussed how to write a post. It includes the shortcut keys for editing the blog. He also shared how to avoid plagiarism. He always reminds us to avoid it because it will automatically block you in "Peakd-hive". He also introduced the community application connected to Hive. He added that we cannot only just post your writings but you can also share your videos. Then, before publishing you must choose what community you would like to share about your writings. If it is for the food community, then it should be all about food. Though shall not share which is not related to the community that you've been shared. Every community has their own rules. If the hiver will not follow the community rules, they will block him directly. He couldn't share any writings he had with the specific community


They are the newbies who are curious and excited to learn things that they are unfamiliar with. From what I had observed they are introverted people. It is a chance for them to express their feelings and thoughts in writing
Some of them are teachers. Few of them are college students. From what I've observed after the orientation that they are interested to join. They are grateful because there is a team that will guide them on how to start blogging.

We took pictures with my co-on boarders together with our mentors who introduced Hive firstly to us.


The food that my co-hivers had been shared.

Snacks and Lunch
We had coconut juice and pizza as our snacks while having orientation. Buko juice was made freshly by one of our members. It has mixed with milk. It tastes really good. In our Cebuano dialect, we called it "lamaw" because it is not the buko alone but we add something like condensed milk or unsweetened milk, sugar (for unsweetened milk), and biscuits.
We had "inasal manok" (grilled whole chicken). It tastes good when it's marinated before it will this is the part where Mr. Kim discussed the meaning of Hive and its function in social media. We all know that chicken has too much cholesterol so we must know. our limitations. However, there are some people whose favorite part of the chicken is the skin part.

Therefore, I'm glad that Hive will expand more here in Cebu. I'm hoping many teachers can join this platform so that they can express their emotions or feelings in writing. I know people in Hive are friendly and they can help or advice to teachers who are emotionally, physically, and mentally stressed. Also, the teachers can unwind when they are stressed at work. They can go to places to have peace of mind while doing a blog.

Additionally, the tourist spots in the Philippines will be known internationally. Not just blogging but other foreign people will be aware of the beautiful places in the Philippines. When the time comes they will visit here in the Philippines and they already have an idea about the things to do here. Also, they have an idea about the type of food to eat and the culture of Filipino people.

In this way of blogging, we, Filipino can help promote our country. It can make our economy grow by having a lot of tourist people visiting here. They go here because they are convinced by other Filipino writers in their blogs. I hope more Filipinos will join in this platform especially students so that they can develop their writing skills. It is easy for them to make research writing or any activities related to writings because of their experience in blogging.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my blog about our orientation. I hope more Filipinos will join soon.

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