My Words To You, As We Ring In The New Year!

I look forward, to a year where our words hold true, Where we get to reap the rewards, of the seeds that we have planted. Watching our dreams grow and transform.
I look forward to standing side by side, with those who wish to re connect.
Who wish to embrace change.

Change that is rippling it's way right through the earth,
that is calling to us, to make a stand.
we need this,
we need to shake off the old,
so that we can step into the new,

The New

My whole life,
feeling out of place in society,
only because I am here to create anew,
this old world no longer serves us,
it has choked us, as we poured out the last of our creativity
trying to make it work.

We deserve this,
we deserve what awaits us,
what awaits us on the other side,
once we stand up and take our power back,
that is what life is meant to be like!
we are not meant to be slaves
we are not meant to be dragged through someone else's story!
We have our own story's to create!

Now is the time to Stand Up,
There has never been a bigger fight
an more important fight,
than what we have, on our hands right now!
Now is the time to find your voice
to use your words as spells
and create change!

Our future,
it is our future that is on the line,
and I want to arrive with the sun on my back,
my hands in the soil and clean fresh water feeding the earth.
I want to hear the earth itself rejoice,
because finally we found the courage within,
to step into the natural cycle of things.

I want to see you take back your power,
each woman, man and child.
To rise up and soar!

Do you know how beautiful you really are?
Do you know how powerful you are?
The potential that we each have inside,
the potential to be whoever we wish to be!
To free our intentions
out into the world and create everything that we desire,

once we reconnect with the earth,
feel the universal beat,
breaking away from this constant repeat!
the possibilities are endless!

We are Infinite and Powerful!

I stand here by your side,
even if we are oceans apart,
we are connected,
my breath, is your breath.

our feet may be weary from all that we carry,
but we stand side by side
shoulder to shoulder!
We Are Connected
Our truth
finally respected.
This is our time.

Our time,
to co create.

To finally leave behind the guilt
that has been eating you up inside.
To let your fears fall away.
To feel your power inside,
no longer fighting this urge to hide.

My words to you, as we ring in this new year.
To know that we are all in this together,
on this beautiful planet that we call home.
That each day, we have the power to chose something new, to step outside of the box and explore,
explore the deepest parts of yourself, to be gentle and loving, to understand the importance of tenderness.
Of being tender with yourself.
It all begins and ends with you.
The pain, the hurt,
we carry it all,
those scars,
they transform us,
they empower us.
Allow them, to be the fuel we need to bring about change!

Wishing You All An Empowering 2023

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