My Confused Relationship With Nature


Sunset on a farm.

Hi there Hivers!

Okay this is a big one lets not think about where to start but instead of how to start, well atleast for me. How do I pin point exactly what nature means to me or my relationship with it, how can I put the one above the other. Look at it this way we all have a relationship with nature whether we want it or not, It's what breaths life into us. How do I put the very thing keeping me alive beneath my personal pleasure from nature whether being the sights I get to enjoy or the elements I get to experience.

Well that's easy "Out of sight out of mind" and whats insight is definitely in my mind. Why do I feel like I'm one of the few people actually noticing the beauty of it all, and those that do notice it only notices it when they actually pay attention to it. I don't know maybe I'm wrong.

I'm not going to exactly share my relationship with nature in a points basis instead I'm going to share some random experiences and how nature makes me feel and why I enjoy spending time in nature or in a natural environment.

The essence of it all is captivating enough to keep me thrilled for a life time literally!


The Twins in the trees.

Life and Death

The life and death factor in nature is something that a lot of people tend to miss or ignore or they are just unaware of it. As beautiful as it can be it can be, it can also be unforgiving and brutal but people tend to overlook the ugly in things they tend to focus only on the rose that is blooming and ignore the one that is dying. (I suppose that's were the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" comes from.)

Okay so I'm not saying anyone is wrong for that obviously we are all captivated by beautiful sights, myself included.

Ask @misshugo I'm very soft hearted, especially when it comes to animals. I will always try to pet the little ones and get close to the big ones and ALWAYS want to help the hurt ones. But you cant always do that sometimes you have to let nature be nature and let it be. (A example of what I mean probably not the best example, I had a little incident the other day I hit a little buck. And it was still alive, very much alive but his one leg was broken and the bone came sticking out. As much as it hurt me I didn't want to kill it, I really didn't but I couldn't let that hurt animal go back into its habitat and suffer for how long? Three? maybe four days before he would die of dehydration or infection? So with a heavy heart I had to slit the throat, Btw its still bothering me. Don't get me wrong I will go hunting and all that but I feel that the little buck didn't need to die but he had to at the end of the day.)

Nature is a cycle and that cycle cant be broken.

Yes nature has it's darker side but that's only one segment of it all.
Birth, Life, Death
And life has the biggest play in all of it.

This I find enticingly beautiful.


Random shot of grass


The Skull of a dead "Gemsbok" or "Oryx"

My Connection to/with Nature


My deepest connection with nature would probably be rooted to the love I have for animals, from the most ferocious beasts to the smallest of critters. I would legitely help a small insect that's trapped somewhere somehow. Some people might bash me for this, my parents included. It was about two months ago I woke up and wanted to get fresh in the bathroom and upon walking in I saw a baby mouse trapped in the tub, now he was in there for a while so I am assuming the whiteness of the tub blinded him. I picked him up and placed him outside in a somewhat safe spot. Now if he survived long after that I don't know because we have like ten cats on the farm, none the less I felt like I did my part and helped him. Now most people would say no kill it, why? Yes it's a pest and if I was living in the city I probably would have knocked the little bugger but I am on a farm. There are hundreds of them here, you just don't see them so killing that one would make no difference at all. I'd rather let nature take it's own course.

Most people say that animals don't have a conscious well I would beg to differ. I believe that they do in fact have one and I noticed this with the horses we have on the farm. They would literally pull their face for you, I'm not even kidding. They can be playful, they can be mocking sometimes and also spiteful sometimes more than spiteful. I mean would a conscious-less animal pick a leader? Would a conscious-less animal protect their younglings? Okay i'm going to pull away from the horses with this one, but even our dogs knows the difference between a hard surface and a soft surface because boooyyyyy do they like them big pillows me bought! Tsek with your animal don't have a conscious.

Something worth mentioning, I have a little dogger who sleeps with me in my room and every morning well only the mornings I hit the snooze button on my alarm. Well when I hit that snooze he jumps on the bed almost like he is telling me "No papa you have to get up, you have to otherwise you are going to be late" Then he excitingly jumps around like he is trying to wake me up. Conscious-less they say.

So animals, yes I love them if I had to choose between saving a human or saving a animal I would not hesitate to rescue the animal. It might be cruel to say so but that's honestly how I feel.


Two Horses Happily Grazing

Another Connection with Nature.

Experiencing and Feeling

There's a nostalgic feeling I get whenever I walk through a forested area hearing the creaking of the trees and the cracking of twigs and leaves beneath my feet, smelling the wet earth and listening to the birds chirping combined with the sounds of water running over the rocks. It's a feeling that I would never get use to, the calmness and serenity of it all puts my spirit into a state of restfulness and refreshment.

Whenever I had a long day at work or even just a clouded mind I would make myself a hot cup of coffee (Sorry @oniemaniego I do enjoy my coffee hot 😂) and venture into the fields with my little dogger who thinks he is a "meerkat" but boy does he love going for walks. Anyways back to the topic, nature and all of its elements the heat the cold the wind and the stillness is something that I truely find relaxing. My favourite element is the cold and now matter how much me and @misshugo can argue about which is better the heat or the cold I will never change my viewing about that! Like I tell everyone Embrace the cold because once the summer is back you'll be complaining about the sweat.

I have this dream, I hope to achieve it someday but I really want to live in a rain forest area. I wont need much just a little wooden tree house with a little vegetable garden that can keep my busy during the day, oh and my little @misshugo by my side of course yes. Hmmm and my little doggers! I swear id be the happiest man alive breathing in and smelling that fresh air every morning you wake up! That must change a man!



Them Magnificent Clouds

A few extras that I want to add

So @anttn Hi I am @technicalside we have had a little bit of conversing a while back. But Hi again 😂... This will be my first post in #unitytowardfreedom community so hello everyone. I was invited to join in on this hmmm challenge? by @misshugo and reading the topic of the writing challenge I decided why not I have some stuff to share, now keep in mind I am surely not the best writer or any writer of sorts my skills lies within my hands! Yeah you could say I'm a handyman. But I have a liking in what you are trying to do so I will join in on your community building.

With that said I remember you mentioning something about rewards or winning or what not. If I do in fact win something I want you to take those winnings and add them to the #unitytowardfreedom account for curation.

I'm also considering delegating a few HivePower to the community to support it. I will start with 10 Hive and try to increase it weekly with 10. Lets see if this can work.

Another extra

@oniemaniego I hope you read this far into my post to actually see this. You mentioned something about writing a article about the "Knowledge of Unlearning"

Okay so I am in no position to tell you what to do but wont you reconsider writing that article after all? I mean that is something that's not talked about or somewhat frowned upon. I would love to read your thoughts on that. And unlearning bad habits or wrongly taught methods can be really valuable to someone somewhere out there.

If you do decide to tread back to that topic give me a heads up!


Same photo as first photo but with a little zoom added

Sharing my life experience on the Hive blockchain is a great pleasure for me to do, I have been on the hive blockchain since the days of steemit, I only recently rediscovered this blockchain and I completely forgot what a blast it was sharing my everyday life and its happenings with the blockchain and its community's. I want to give a big thanks to all of the supporters out there making the blockchain great and adding value to it everyday.

Once again your feedback would be highly valued and appreciated.

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