Unity Make possibilities

The best way to make an achievement count so fast is to work hand in hand, with people around you, I remember, I was once a leader of a group which we were to present a seminar, this took place during my years in college.

The agenda was to present a seminar in a group of five peoples, the lecturer divided us according to our registration number, by then, I was not even good in presenting but because, the group appointed me to be their leader, It was there that i wear up courage to become one, so that, I would not failed myself and every members of my group.

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We used to gather near the library to discuss on our topic, it was truly an easiest thing to do, because at each gathering chapter, one or two things would be learnt about the topic, also ways to follow on how we would go about the seminar presentation.

I, myself was no exception, I tried my best to come out with positive ideas, that helps my group, every members of my group was assigned to a certain semi topic, which they are to read and understand it fully.

A day before the presentation, every group members, came out, and talked to the group, what they have learnt in their semi topic so far, by so doing, we were fully equipped and we all know our roles to play, inorder to be a guide on that day of the presentation.

when we steps out, to present on our topic, it was truly the best because we didn't missed to work hand in hand as a group, the time where others class members throw in question, we already know the right answer to their questions.

It was easy we know where the questions comes from because we walked hand in hand (unity), it was in unity that we were able to easily achieve our aims, I find out that making an aims can be easily carried out when it is in a form of a collective efforts (unity).

Unity is power, true, right there on that auditorium stage, the man who was in charge of the course, and his friends who also come to witnessed each of the presentation phaes, comments our efforts as the best one, when they sees that every members of the group has something to say in the topic.

He said it right there, that we are example of what collective efforts has made (unity), for the fact that we walked hand in hand, it helps us to have a better understanding of the subject.

Some things which seems difficult in our life can be easily achieve when we put in unity as a great factor.

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