With every passing minute, man(read as humans) has a reason to deprive himself rest. He has to do this, he has to do that, he has to work hard because responsibilities won't take care of itself. Reminds me of when I was much younger. Of the times my elder ones would make me go to sleep against my wish(which wasn't often by the way) because according to them, 'it's great for my health and body development'. I hated those times. I don't think any child likes such times. It felt like punishment. I wish I knew better then that they were right. But, I know now. It's not late. It's just not easy.


Sleep is essential for proper body relaxation and a great health condition in general. It is recommended that we have at least eight hours of sleep everyday. But persons like myself, still struggle to sleep for half that number.

This time last year and for a long time before that, i was nursing what I would not want to refer to as insomnia. I had the weirdest sleep disorder. I found it really hard to sleep, I couldn't sleep with the faintest of light(still cannot), couldn't sleep with sound/music(still can't) yet, af the slightest movement, I awoke. Felt like I wasn't even sleeping. More like unconsciously counscious(don't know if this cuts it). The very tiniest movement was my undoing.

Those were not really good times. Presently, I have only gotten past that phase by a distance but I can tell how relieved, relaxed and better i feel.Till this very day, my family tiptoes around me whenever I am sleeping. Truly, at the time, it didn't feel like it had any adverse reaction on my person but as I developed a better sleeping habits, I noticed a difference.


Here are a few ways i deployed that helped me overcome the disorder and tips to might find helpful.

  • Make sure my bedroom is quiet, dark and restful. This is a must for me.
  • Avoid napping -especially for long hours - during the day.
  • Take lots of water.
  • Blindfold my eyes. I have an item specifically for this purpose only. It helps darken the room more and makes sure no glimmer of light wafts into my eyes.
  • Play some soul music or meditate. This is only for a short time. It helps me relax and clears my mind.
  • Fantasize. Just dream in my mind. Gradually, I'll drift to sleep.

For better learning/understanding, these are the benefits of sleep

  • Reduced anxiety amd crankiness
  • Improves mood
  • Reduced the disk of disorders and heart diseases.
  • Helps maintain a healthy body weight.
  • It helps with overall body performance.

Sleep is vital to ensure soundness of mind and body. Just like in healthy feeding, water consumption and exercise, lack of sleep could lead to a deviation from the normal functioning of the body. Take your time to rest and sleep. Guard your health. It is he who is sound that can perform excellently.

Greetings to you @anttn for yet another Unity Toward Freedom challenge. Well-done. Hey! @emreal, do check this out if you haven't.


Thanks for gracing this post.

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