Lamentable escándalo histórico en el fútbol español que involucra al Barcelona.

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El día de ayer se hizo público que el Barcelona estuvo durante años pagando al que fuese Vicepresidente del Comité de Arbitros mientras este aún ocupaba su cargo. Los pagos fueron desde el 2003 hasta el 2018, y eso se hizo público porque la Hacienda española estaba investigando los años 2016, 2017 y 2018 de la empresa que utilizaba dicho Vicepresidente para hacer sus cobros.

Esto es un escándalo histórico nunca antes visto en el fútbol español, y es algo que en mi opinión, deja en entredicho la limpieza de los torneos españoles en ese período, que casualmente, también fue la mejor etapa en la historia del Barcelona.

Durante años hubo muchos rumores sobre un trato arbitral a favor del Barcelona, pero estos eran rápidamente descartados como conspiraciones falsas, inventos, envidia o mal perder. Ahora está demostrado que sí existía un doble rasero en el cómite de arbitros que favorecía al Barcelona, y lo hubo durante muchos años. Las sospechas siempre fueron ciertas.

Esto ayuda entender por qué el Real Madrid de la década pasada le iba mejor en la Champions y no en los torneos españoles, y por qué tenían que hacer hitos históricos, como el doble récord de la temporada 2012, para ganar una simple liga. Esto explica los famosos "por qués" de Mourinho en su famosa e histórica rueda de prensa donde ya se daba cuenta de lo podrido y corrupto que era el fútbol español, y confirma las sospechas que ya muchos teníamos, no solo por el evidente trato arbitral descaradamente favorable hacia el Barcelona durante años, sino incluso por declaraciones lamentables de personas muy cercanas a dicho club. Como por ejemplo:

Alfonso Godall, ex vicepresidente del Barcelona cuando decía "La buena relación con los árbitros ayudó al Barça"

Yesterday it was made public that Barcelona was for years paying the former Vice President of the Referees Committee while he was still in office. The payments were from 2003 to 2018, and that was made public because the Spanish Treasury was investigating the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 of the company that used said Vice President to make their collections.

This is a historical scandal never before seen in Spanish football, and it is something that in my opinion, calls into question the cleanliness of Spanish tournaments in that period, which coincidentally, was also the best era in the history of Barcelona.

For years there were many rumors about an arbitration deal in favor of Barcelona, but these were quickly dismissed as false conspiracies, inventions, envy or bad faith when losing. Now it is demonstrated that there was a double standard in the committee of referees that favored Barcelona, and there was for many years. The suspicions were always true.

This helps to understand why Real Madrid last decade did better in the Champions League and not in Spanish tournaments, and why they had to make historic milestones, such as the double record of the 2012 season, to win a simple league. This explains the famous "whys" of Mourinho in his famous and historic press conference where he already realized how rotten and corrupt Spanish football was, and confirms the suspicions that many of us already had, not only for the obvious blatantly favorable refereeing treatment towards Barcelona for years, but even for regrettable statements from people very close to that club. For example:

Alfonso Godall, former vice president of Barcelona when he said "The good relationship with the referees helped Barça"

O Luís Bassat, ex candidato a la presidencia del Barcelona, que comento que alguien importante del club le había dicho que él no podía ser presidente dado que no sabía como comprar un arbitro.
Or Luis Bassat, former candidate for the presidency of Barcelona, who commented that someone important at the club had told him that he could not be president since he did not know how to buy a referee.

Recomiendo chequear este enlace para más información de más escándalos involucrando al Barcelona, club al cual ya se le puede llamar tramposo y corrupto sin pedir disculpas ni permisos a nadie.
I recommend checking this link for more information on more scandals involving Barcelona, a club that can already be called a cheater and corrupt without apologizing or asking for permission from anyone.

Lo que queda claro, es que la imagen del Barcelona, curiosamente un club que siempre alardeaba de valores y humildad, queda manchada para siempre de manera irremediable y que justamente representan todo lo contrario al relato inventando que han tenido desde hace más de 10 años. Nada de humildad ni de valores, y mucho de corrupción arbitral, y seguramente, de algún otro tipo también. Abidal y el supuesto hígado de su "primo" lo dejamos para otro día...
What is clear is that the image of Barcelona, curiously a club that always boasted about its values and humility, is irremediably stained forever and they really represent the opposite of the invented narrative they have had for more than 10 years. No humility or values, and a lot of arbitral corruption, and surely, of some other kind as well. Abidal and the supposed liver of his "cousin" can be left for another day...


Fuente de vídeo de intro libre de copyright. Modificado por mí.

Fuente de imagen de fondo

Música libre de copyright:
ZakharValaha from pixabay
LCMsounds from pixabay
Nemeti Tivadar from pixabay
Vladislav Kurnikov from pixabay

About Dedicatedguy

I am a Venezuelan geek, cinephile and introverted guy. I have always been passionate about tech innovations as well as creative fictional stories that can make your mind inhabit another world.

Writing about various topics, learning about the ever-expanding crypto world, and doing a little bit of trading is how I spend most of my days. My preferred forms of entertainment are films, series, European football, and a good book from time to time.

I chose "dedicatedguy" as my username to constantly remind myself about the importance of consistency and dedication in order to achieve any desired result we might want in life.

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