Can terrorisme never be justified ?


**Can terrorisme never be justified ?

Western leaders, media have been shouting out loud that terrorism can never be justified when it is pointed out that the HAMAS operation was a response to daily oppression, killings, murder of innocent defenceless Palestinians by the Israeli army and settlers, stealing lands, kidnappings and imprisonment of even Palestinian children, and the almost 2 decades of illegal blockade of the Gaza blocking essentials goods.

Yet moments after their moral outcry, when Israel targets and bombs residential areas, kills hundreds children, civilians, medical workers, UN staff, journalists, bombs schools and medical centers, these same western voices have no qualms with that and justify it (killing civilians terrorism) under the slogan that ‘Israel has the right to defend itself’ and even supports it in its terrorism against a people who cannot defend themself.

So according to the west Israel the occupier has the right to defend itself but the victims, the occupied has no right to fight even against oppression, injustice, against crimes committed on them on daily bases while the west chooses to ignore.

So killing civilians is only a crime in western eyes when it happens to European colonizers and invaders.

The shameless hypocrisy certainly has not escaped the western leaders and media.

So to justify its hypocrisy the moral bankruptcy the West resorts to outrageous lies to justify its support to the mass murder of civilians. For example the western media talks about babies and children being beheaded by HAMAS woman being raped without any prove.

This includes US president Biden which the White House had to retract after being questioned about validity the baby beheadings he claimed to have seen in pictures. Basically is an admission of knowing their own actions are so horrific that it tries to make HAMAS look worse by adding lies to it.

Or the president of the European Commission von der Leyen who claimed that the only reason HAMAS killed Israelis was because they were Jews. As if being occupation, starvation, being tortured, jailed, humiliated, killed, attacked, evicted from houses for 70+ years cannot be a a reason unless your an European like in Ukraine, where resistance is applauded, supported, portrait as heroic, logical and just.

What the world should be asking is, why does Biden, the western media, and Europe support murder, terrorism, bombings of civilian infrastructure, human rights violations, war crimes and mass bombings of innocent civilians in which Palestinian babies actually are decapitated ! WHY ? And the answer is only because they are NON European and Muslims.

HAMAS doesn’t kill Israelis just because they are Jews, but the west is complicit and supporting all these killings of innocent people just because the victims are Muslims.

HAMAS did not decapitate babies, but western backed bombings do decapitate Palestinian babies. The west is so morally deprived of any humanity, that it tries to blame other for the sick racist crimes they support and commit themself.

HAMAS has exposed that killing civilians is not terrorism but right to defend yourself. It is just that Western racism selectively applies the labels terrorism and right to defend oneself based on their Nuremberg ideology.

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