Our cute Shih poo: Freya's life journey


Hello Everyone here in the Hive Community! How’s Everyone? Hope you’re all doing fine and great! For today I will be sharing to all of you the most memorable thing that came in to my life. To tell you honestly, its been almost a year since the time that I keep on thinking whether to share this happening to everyone. I am that kind of a person where Im not fond of animals, but because of my partner, he let me realized that animals is not that bad. He said that animal's love is 10 times more genuine than human. And I can fully agree to that!



Last 2019 when we had our first baby dog, she’s a shih tzu poodle mix breed, but they call it “shih poo”, my partner’s mom bought it from her friend, she decided to have it since they don’t have any baby in their family. They want to have a baby but a dog hahaha😄. At first, I was not able to sink it in my mind that I will be holding a dog, I never imagine myself holding one. Her complete name is Princess Freya, she had her own identification card with her veterinary medical records. She was so cute and fluffy. They said that the color of her nose is quite unique, because the typical color of the nose for the dog is black, but Freya’s nose was pink.

We don’t have any idea on how to take care and handle a dog, so what we did, we spare some time searching and learning on how to take good care of them, even on the little things. We learned the meaning of their actions and gestures so that we will be able to know what they want to say and what they are feeling. Because dogs are very expressive, they can’t talk, the reason why as a fur parent we need to be responsible, because having a dog is not just for loving them because they’re cute but we need to love them as part of our family. I can’t imagine each and everyday that im already loving a dog.

We’re always excited to go home knowing that there’s this cute little thing that will wags her tail and welcomes us with a big hug and a cute lick. Freya always sets the mood for us, she always boost our energy and always make us feel loved and appreciated. I just love how my life turned to be colorful because of her existence. We always check her is she’s okay, we guided her and teach some cute technique like if she want to ask for food, she wants to cuddle, if she want to go outside to how being hygienic. She love sleeping beside us, like she’s guarding us when were asleep. She loves being outside, running outside and exploring things. She really love playing with the grass since she was a baby, maybe its ticklish to her cute little paws😄







Freya is the sweetest dog I’ve ever met in my entire life. Everytime I feel sad and anxious and about to cry, Freya always lends her tiny body and lets me hugs her until I’m fully okay. She became my reliever. We were so happy, like everyday is always a special day. Months after, she got admitted to a veterinary clinic because she was diagnosed with a parvo, it’s a canine parvovirus infection that is highly contagious most especially to dogs. We don’t have any idea about this kind of disease, she lost some weight and don’t have any appetite, she keeps on vomiting, one of my partner’s cousin said that its parvo, his mom decided to take her to a veterinary clinic because its getting worst. After days of struggling I thought we’re going to lose her but our little Freya survived. We were so proud of her, she continued her medication inside the house and she was so braved. After that she regained her energy back and continued being a silly fluffy dog. Years after her struggle, she became more lethargic again, we was so worried because of what happened to her years ago, she lost her appetite again and she keeps on vomiting, we thought she got hit another type of parvo but she already her vaccine for that years ago. We bought medicines for her but its not working, she became so weak, we decided to take her to the vet clinic but its already night that time so we said that we should bring her by morning, but my partner’s brother called at 2 in the morning, he said that Freya is not breathing anymore, that was the worst nightmare we had experienced. We planned to admit her in the morning but she didn’t make it. We cried so hard and don’t even know how to react that time.

To tell you honestly, It was so hard for me to share this happening to everyone, but my partner said that Freya is in good place already. She will love if everyone will know how good and sweet she was even though she’s not here with us. I realized that dog’s lives are short to be wasted, we should always give the best to them, they don’t deserve to be treated like an animal, they are part of our family no matter what.




Sharing this to all of you, I feel so relieved and overwhelmed,
To our Freya, you’re always in our heart ❤️

Always take care and just smile
Love, from zel diaries 🌻

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