The World Needs to Know Me: Introducing Myself

Hola? Buenas Tardes! How is everyone doing? It’s been a while since I open myself again to the public.

“I’m shy, please come say hi”. Just kidding.

Hello Hive community? I am Zam Duerme Aden, and oh please remember my name. A name that is worth a thousand conversations.😁


Kidding aside, I am from Pagadian, Zamboanga del Sur, 25 years old and single. I am currently a College Instructor at a local college here in our city. I am also a 3rd year law student and an aspiring lawyer someday.

  • Outside of my work and study, I love exploring new hiking trails , photography and writing new things. I can’t wait to collaborate with you all and share something interesting and unique about myself and to engage and inspire people in conversation.

Here are some interesting things to know about me.



- Who says history is boring? Definitely not!

Ever since I was young, I was this nerdy kid who thinks I did not fit to the societal norms and even in the four side of the corner. Watching vintage shows and talking about ancient things always got me excited.

History is something that is always fascinating for me. Growing up I was able to memorize all the 195 countries and their capital city. Geography, I believed was a magnificent field to study, and important too. From the beautiful ancient city of Greece, to the life of Cleopatra and the rise and fall of French Revolution, History has always been in my mind and heart.


This is also the reason why studied Bachelor of Arts in History major in International History⏳

It was like a childhood dream that finally comes to a reality. I have graduated with Latin honors and was conferred as CUM LAUDE for which I am beyond grateful . History is something that people don’t value especially in this contemporary world. History is a topic that many of us find boring and uninteresting to study or event a waste of time. But there is more to studying history than meets the eye. It enables us to have a better understanding of the society and environment around us.

History is the story of who we are, where we come from which is essential part of our beings.

I am glad to have found this hive community in which I could share and impart my knowledge in History and other intellectual and interesting topic.

I believe in the power of this platform.

2.I Was Raised by My Grandparents.

Ever since I was a child, i was raised by my grandparents.
My Nanay Nita and tatay Pabling has been there for me throughout the worst and best time of my life. They have always supported me in all aspect of my life. Being raised by my grandparents has never been easy.

I grew up having a lot of self doubts and insecurities as well.The thought of having a complete family to take care of you😥. But one thing for sure, I was never alone. They are my rock and my number one support system. Having them as my support system has always been a great blessing. This is also the reason why I am a very family oriented type of person.

For me, there is nothing more important in life than our family. I am the type of person who is committed to putting my family first above anyone else because i draw my strength from seeing them thrive and happy in life. Having a strong support system is crucial as it allows us to create a sense of belonging and community in our lives.

Always remember that as long as we care for one another, we can overcome any obstacles that comes our way.

3.I am a Dog lover.


They say that Dogs are our best friend.🐶
I have 6 dogs in our house. Definitely my happy pill. My dogs name are Summer, Doggie, Sasha,Kurt,Palesa and Drik.

Having a dog in our life is a big blessing. They are the most excited and cutest being when you get home from work. I started having a pet since I was high school, and now that I’m working, it is still the same.

I have many realizations in life since i took care care of 6 dogs. Having a pet is surely a serious responsibility for anyone. But one thing for sure, They are the only ones who love us unconditionally.


Pets always offer us everything they have without asking for anything in return. They are more than just a pet. They are family for sure.

In some of our lowest moment, little did we know that our lives would change forever upon having them by our side.

4.I am a Teacher and Law student: It is always a big challenge.


Time management is always been a big challenge for me and my greatest enemy. Being a college instructor and law student at the same time has been one of the most busiest days of my life.

From teaching and giving instructions to different students while also adjusting to the different personalities of each one of them is chaotic. I have to balance my time reading 100+ of cases and digest them. The paper works and office works need to be submitted on time


Some days you feel like wanting to give up and feeling unproductive but I always remember why I started this. Being a teacher and being in the teaching industry is probably one of the most fulfilling and humbling professions in life. You get the chance to help people, inspire and changed their lives for the betterment.

As a teacher, you have the platform and voice to encourage and motivate them to be successful and do good in life. Not only that, as part of being a teacher you could also learn a lot from your students and the different perspective in life.

At the same time, I always dream of becoming a lawyer one day. Since then after teaching, saving money for tuitions and book became my goal. Now I am living my dream of closer to becoming a lawyer. A path that is not easy to take . Definitely a very challenging and can be emotionally, financially and even physically draining path to take.


Whenever I’m tired or unmotivated, I just think of my family and their sacrifices for me. I always believed that with my hustle and hardwork it will increase my productivity to be successful in my endeavors .

Hustle culture promotes the idea of working hard and pushing oneself to achieve more.

5. I believe in Karma.

I have this mantra to always do good things in life. There is a famous saying that “What goes around comes around” is the phrase that comforts most of us when we are in an unfair situation or any other situation in which they have no control over.


Through out my life, I have experience different struggle and hardship but I can attest that we can survive and accomplished everything if our heart is clear and our intention is pure. Our acts of kindness can make the world a happier place for everyone. The world is already harsh and cruel, so please let us be kind enough not to harm our fellow beings.

I believe that it you do bad and harm other, it will come back to bite you. In the world at large, we have seen so much pain, heartbreak and disappointment.So many lives needlessly ended. My realization is that even if it feels strange to us , if we show kindness then you’re more likely to feel better in life.

Let’s remember that the more we practice kindness, the easier it is.

And that’s the 5 facts about me. I would like to thanks @Vinceyancy for introducing and inviting me to this platform. Definitely worth the try!

Thank you everyone who are very welcoming and warm to this community.So far I am enjoying reading every content here. I am learning day to day here and hoping to share my knowledge and expertise here as well as learning from you guys and hopefully I can make a friend out here❤️ Cheers to the Hive Community.

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