
To whom it may concern,

If you are rejected, accept it.
If you feel unwanted or disrespected, let go.
If they chose someone or something over you, move forward.
Not everyone you love will stay, and not everyone you trust will be loyal.
Never beg anyone to stay. Let them do what they want.

“When people can’t control you, they will destroy you. People will only like it when you give them what they want and desire.”
-Fr. Jowel Jomarsus Gatus

People come and go, and that’s normal. We must accept it and move forward.
One door closed, because there’s something better to come, something you deserve.

What is meant for you is always meant for you. Fulfill your duties and purpose in life. Be happy with what you have and do something to achieve what you want.

Always ask for guidance and protection from our God. He will never leave you.
Maybe He will give you challenges, but that is not to make you suffer. That is to make you strong and to protect you. Your pain and trauma mean you must leave the person/situation. He is just protecting you from long term suffering.

For those who left:
Never expect that there’s someone who’s still waiting for you. Maybe they will forgive you, but things will never be the same.

For those who chose to hurt other people:
I hope that you are truly happy.

Sending virtual hugs to those who are in pain and suffering from a trauma.
There’s nothing wrong with you. It is just that they don’t deserve you.

Yours truly,

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That’s all!

I extend my gratitude to each and every one of you for taking the time to delve into my world and accompany me on this journey. I wholeheartedly appreciate your readership, support, and engagement. Your presence fuels my passion, and I am forever grateful. ❤️

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