Trying affliate marketing for the second time around.


Its been 2 years since I signed up in an affiliate marketing named Involve Asia. I signed up on this platform hoping to earn a little penny by getting commission when customer click my link and purchase an item under my link. I signed up on Involve Asia before I discovered I was doing online selling back then but unfortunately I don't have the courage to continue it maybe because I don't have the proper knowledge on affliate marketing.

Last month as I am watching a free webinar about social media managing, the mentor said why not to try creating a page or asking a friend who has business to manage thier page so that you can work out being a social media manager.

Then this idea came to my mind. Since I have a Facebook page why not to try the affliate marketing again so that I can practice how to manage a page and also do marketing strategies if I can really do it and if not then it's okay because I can actually evaluate and improve myself.

Just this June 6 I changed the name of my Facebook page from Kyrie's online shoppe to We deserve it Mommies.

Why I choose this name?

Thinking about page name is quite hard because there so many Facebook page now and everytime I think a name it's already exist. I choose this one because I am a mother and ofcourse we really deserve something that's why I choose we deserve it mommies.


Since I am also exploring Canva I tried to make a cover photo with the best thing that I can. Like what I said before I am not good being a graphic artist because I always choose light colors.


I choose to promote products on shopee and because the page name is we deserve it mommies the product that I need to post is something for mommies like kitchenwares, baby needs , home living and others.

Process of promoting

-Find an item in shopee that you want to post on you page or property and click the link.

-Go to the involve Asia website and paste the shoppee link to generate another link.

-Copy the generate link because that's the one you will paste on your page.

-Save the photo on the items on shopee.

-Make a caption on your Facebook page and paste the link and the photo of the item and then done.


This is the dashboard of involve Asia. As you can see there's 33 clicks and 1 conversion. So there's 33 person who click my link but they didn't purchase because there's no conversion but I'm happy because they still click it and it means they are interested.

I am also having a hard time saving photo in shopee that's why I only posted a few items on the page.

I am asking for your little help and support. Please like and share my page ❤️

If you want to know more about involve Asia and how it works I can make an article about it .

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