Dealing with the Aftermath of Super Typhoon Rai

I'll keep this short as possible because my internet connection is still very limited and I need to settle with this pension house that I checked in. I travelled hundreds of kilometers to the north of Cebu just to have power and stable internet connection. I need to work in OCD again so that I can help those neighbours that really need a lot of help. The situation in Metro Cebu is like in post-apocalyptic movies, but it's underreported in mainstream media. What's happening on the ground is very different even if there are protocols in place. People are in need of drinkable water.

Hello everyone!

It's the longest time that I have been cut off from the Hive world. It's Day 5 without power, water, internet here in Cebu after the onslaught of Super Typhoon Rai (Odette). We're safe, but our house was partially damaged. We did a temporary fix so it's livable now. We're just lucky than most because as we roam around the city, everything looked like a ghost town. The devastation was unimaginable.

This is at the front of the gate. A huge Talisay tree feel down and blocked the path. Our neighbor's house was severely damaged by the tree's branches.

A lot of Cebuano Hivers have made a post already and they provided a status update on what's happening on the ground. I took all the necessary measures just to post an update, but I was not able to find a place with a decent signal. I tried posting yesterday, but I couldn't upload a single image. That's why I decided to stay here in Bogo City until December 24. I need more funds to help those people in the city. I know it won't be much, but every help counts. People are on the street scrambling for water, gasoline, and food.

A lot of Hivers have messaged me on what they can do to help and I really appreciate all of you. Just the mere act of checking on me helps a lot. If you really want to help, please help me gather funds for those people back in the city. They need water and food. I'm just blessed to have enough for personal use. I have to thank Hive and all of you here for keeping me and my family afloat amidst all of this. With the 300 HIVE that I withdraw from my account, I was able to buy the necessary supplies for my family and even helped 8 families within the neighbourhood.

I made sure that my family can survive before leaving them so that I can work efficiently. I have to be honest that we didn't prepare enough for that super typhoon. Even if we prepared enough, there's only so much we can do. But there's no more time for the blame game. We have to work hard now towards recovery.

As for me and my family, I've got it covered for now. I have to thank the economics of Hive that forced me to allocate something for emergencies like this. I will just continue working towards a permanent fix of our house and to never let situations like this leave us caught off guard and devastated again.

I still have to process a lot emotions related to this and I have a lot of recounts to do on what happened during the typhoon landfall and on the subsequent days. As I tweeted, I don't have time to break down yet because I have a lot of people that rely on me to make rational decisions for them.

As the days go by without electricity and water, there's no end in sight yet. Even if there's a price freeze, the law of supply and demand will still prevail on the ground. I just hate it so much when some people are taking advantage of the situation to make profits. As for me, I'll continue to help in every way I can.

If you want to help me, your upvotes, reblogs, and tips on this post and the subsequent posts will be used to those who really need the help. I will do a full accounting for transparency once everything's settled. Again, every help that you will extend to me will not be used for personal gain, but for the people around me who really need help.

I hope that you're with me on this one as you were with me in my call for help for Moalboal Dog Rescue. I might do a full donation drive soon. This is my update for now. I still have a lot of work ahead, so see you again soon!
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