Hi It’s Me. I’m The Newbie in PeakD

Hi everyone! I’m The Newbie, and I’m new to PeakD!


This is my first time posting on this platform, but I've been lurking for a while and wanted to give it a shot. I'm an aspiring writer and editor who loves to write about anything from fashion to food to life lessons. I also love to film myself doing things and post it on social media.

I'm Zhean Timothy but you can call me Z for short. I am 22 years old and I live here in Laoag, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. I am a 4th year engineering student at Mariano Marcos State University.

I love to spend time with my friends, play basketball and volleyball, watch movies and eat out at restaurants. I have been here in Laoag since 2011 and have made many friends in the city. It is really hard to find good places to eat out here but I've managed to find a few decent ones so far.

I love to read, especially novels and fantasy books. I enjoy reading about the adventures of my favorite fictional characters. I have been reading fantasy novels since I was young and now that I'm older, I still enjoy these types of stories.

My favorite genre is fantasy because it is filled with amazing worlds and creatures that could never exist in reality. The magic used in these books fascinates me because it allows authors to create new worlds where anything is possible.

My favorite author is Brandon Sanderson because he's an amazing storyteller who can create complex characters with unique personalities who do not always have good intentions or motives for their actions. He writes with great detail in his novels so that readers can picture every scene as they read it; he gives us a sense of what it would feel like if we were there ourselves experiencing these events firsthand instead of just reading about them happening elsewhere on Earth at another time period!

I also have a strong passion for writing stories and articles. I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I started writing when I was a kid, and now I spend most of my time doing it. I love writing about everything from my favorite food to the people around me, to the places I've been, to the things that make me laugh. I love writing because it allows me to express myself in the most personal way possible, while also providing me with an outlet to share my thoughts and knowledge with others. That is why I'm always looking for new ways to tell stories, whether they're in the form of prose or poetry or just a few words on a page.

When I'm not reading or writing, you'll find me hanging out with my friends or playing games on my phone. My favorite game is Overwatch because of the characters and the story line behind it. I've been playing games since I was around 7 years old and really got into it when I was 12 or 13 years old. At first it was just casually playing with friends in school but then eventually my passion grew into something that consumed my life and allowed me to devote all my time and energy towards playing games.

When I first started playing games, it was mostly multiplayer games like Counter-Strike and League of Legends which is where I got introduced to competitive gaming at first. Unfortunately due to some circumstances in life, school became more important than gaming so there was no way for me to take part in competitions anymore.

Lastly, I'm an outgoing person who loves to make new friends. I'm always looking for new things to try out in life—whether it's learning more about myself or exploring other people's lives—and I'm always up for meeting new people who are interested in the same things as me.

So if you want to know more about me, feel free to reach out!

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