Hello, my hive friends! I've been a little bit busy these past few days because of the moving-up practices that we're currently doing. As a result, I wasn't able to open my account here frequently or interact with your blogs. But since I have some spare time to write and to be here again, I want to share with y'all what we're doing and how we are going to do it.

I am @tvlipz02, serving you again with another blog. Enjoy reading!


We got a message from our adviser informing us that our moving-up practices are going to start on May 20. We got a little bit excited because this is it! We've been dreaming and manifesting for this to happen. Having the chance to walk on stage with your certificate or diploma saying that you've finally completed the junior high school curriculum is one of the things that I've always wanted to experience, which we didn't get to experience once when we were just in elementary school. And yes, we are the Grade 6 batch of 2019–2020 who weren't able to have a proper graduation because of the pandemic. Who would have thought that in just a span of years, we are now graduating junior high? I am ready to move forward as one of the seniors. Gosh, I really can't believe that time flies so fast and now, we are finally getting the opportunity to experience this wholesome moment. Although this was only a practice, I am so excited and happy at the thought of it.

The said time for the practice is 7:30 a.m., yet there are still students who are running late every single day of the practice. I can't blame them because maybe their house was a bit far from the place where we were going to hold our practices. They planned to always start at 7 a.m. and end at 10-11a.m. because of the heat index and to prevent such negative things from happening to students.


(They also informed us that we have to bring our own chairs for the practice)

We are temporarily practicing our ceremony in Bahada San Remigio Court since the grade 12 batch will occupy the complex (a larger court) for their own preparation and practice.

On the first day, our adviser told us that we would have our assembly in the school so that we could all go to court at the same time. So when I arrived there, I was a bit shocked that not all of my classmates were there, and we just realized that they just went straight to the court.


After a little talk with our adviser, we went to the court and placed our seats in our designated places.


I wasn't able to get pictures once we were assigned to do the processional (a sign that the ceremony is starting because the students with their parents are walking in the center of the aisle). After everything, we then practiced our two songs and memorized them. I'm so glad that my other classmates brought a script of the lyrics because most of us haven't memorized the two songs yet.


They then called us to demonstrate to the other students what should be done once we received our certificates and such.


(My friend in the other section took a picture of me while I was on the stage.)

In just a span of a week, we finally know the flow and practice all the things that should be done in the ceremony.


(@chyxille, @mholldy08 and my other friend after 3 days of practicing.)

It was hard at first because every time someone made the wrong move or didn't follow the rules, the instructor would then scold us and do things again and again once we got it perfectly. Our main struggle is that we were not doing everything simultaneously, so we have to do it again until we get it right. But it's okay because we know that our instructors just wanted the ceremony to be solemn, formal, and also memorable for us since we are the main characters in that event.

That's all for today. Thank you for stopping by, and have a great day ahead!🤍

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