Hey, my fellow bloggers! I know that most of you already know me, but for those who don't, I am tulip🌷 back again with another experience. This blog is very special to me because this is our last bonding with my classmates as a section.

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The two sections in the SPS curriculum (science class), Einstein and Newton, decided to collaborate for the said outing. We were looking forward to this since we already expected it to happen before the end of the classes. Because there are no classes anymore, we planned to have our outing a week after our moving-up ceremony. This will serve as our outing version 2.0 since we had an advance outing right before the actual day of our ceremony.


The planning immediately came after, and of course, we had to decide where we should hold the outing. We have to find a place where we will feel comfortable, and that could also provide us with a nice view while we're there. Lots of suggestions occurred until, finally, we decided that we would occupy the beach known as Tomasa Beach, located near the Lapyahan in San Remigio.


Each of us has to make our pledges, whether it be drinks, food, desserts, or money. We need to contribute something to our outing, at least. The GC was a bit chaotic by the time we were doing our pledges, but we managed to make everyone make their contribution.


The day of our outing finally arrived! Everyone, including me, was so excited, and we couldn't wait to see each other again. Though it had only been a couple of days since we last saw each other when I arrived at our rented cottage, I was amazed to see how clean it was, and to my surprise, the tables and even the chairs were all tiled up. For only ₱600.00, we have already rented the whole space. Gosh, I can still remember how spacious it was. Our ₱600.00 was worth it.



Since they were so busy preparing our food and I could tell that they didn't need any help from us, I and my friends decided to have a little pictorial on the shore. Though I was sometimes camera shy, since this picture will also serve as one of my photographed memories, I joined them. I was even becoming a photographer at that time because some of my friends were asking me if I could take a picture of them while they were making poses. Of course, I agreed because that's how I show my support and love for them, even though I'm not good at taking photos of someone.


When lunchtime finally came, our classmates immediately called us to tell us that the food was ready. They were even shouting at the ones who were swimming because they were a bit far from us. Good thing they heard us and saw our signs. Before eating, we asked one person, who was just passing by, if he could kindly take some photos of us. The man was so kind because he immediately said yes with a smile on his face.




After a couple of clicks, we asked if he could take a video of us one last time, and gladly, he said yes. The picture-taking was finally done, so here we are, praying to thank God for all the blessings that he has given us and for the opportunity to be gathered in one place with them.



When we finished eating our food, my friends went for another swim in the ocean, so I just waited for them until they finished. I didn't have any plans to join them in the first place because the sun was really hot and I was kind of scared to get sunburnt. So while I was waiting, I kept myself busy with my phone and talked with my other friends. I was also listening to their karaoke bonding in the corner; it was kind of funny because some of them were singing sad songs like they were deeply heartbroken. They kept on cheering whenever someone was singing high notes or relatable lyrics.


When my friends came back after swimming, our president called us and asked us if we wanted to taste the cake. Me, @phoennix09, and @ksunnixx decided that we would just share our plates to be able to save some paper plates too.


When we were done eating, we went to the karaoke area because they wanted to sing some songs. I wasn't able to join them while they were singing because I had a cough and a cold at the same time. Though I enjoyed listening to their voices. A few moments later, the ones who were just talking at the side started to become chaotic and funny. It turned out that my classmate, who was leaving for the States to continue his studies, started to make a speech. It was so funny because he wasn't sane when he was talking, and the other ones were making the conversation more hilarious.


It was already 5:00 p.m. when we decided to go home. It was a bit disappointing because we didn't see how the sunset, but still, we're all grateful that we had made another bond before parting ways. Some of them are going to a different city to continue their studies, while most of us are taking different strands from the same school, so we all know that there will be no " next time." That day was the last day where we could spend our time together as a section. I won't forget how the two sections of SPS collided as one and made many memories together. I will always remember this batch.


To both sections of the special science class, Einstein and Newton, I want you guys to know that I am very grateful that I met you. If only the pandemic had not happened, for sure we could have made so many more memories than this. But still, after almost two years of spending time with the rest of you, I can say that it was one of the best moments of my life. You made my high school journey memorable; you guys brought out the joy in me; you brought my real self back. And as we grow apart in life (since some of you are transferring to another school or taking another strand), may we never forget that no matter where our journey may take us... We once sat together, sharing the same view, and those shared experiences will always bind us.



Just like in the newly released movie "Inside Out 2," where there are balls of core memories in each corner, rest assured that you guys will always be in one of them and will remain in the best of my memories. Thank you for the lessons, realizations, and motivations that each one of you gave me. I will keep those in mind till I die.

This will be the last blog I'll write about my junior high school experiences. Soon, I'll be posting about my next journey: Senior High School. Thank you so much for your support❣️

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