Making every Moment Special: Our kind of Date

When is the last time you and your wife dated? How does it felt like and how did it went?

I hope you still make ways to make quality time. It your loved one.

Today, I'll be featuring the date I and my wife had, mind you ever since we were just in the boyfriend and girlfriend stage, we don't do fancy dates as what most celebrities do. Our dates are humble and productive, making us know each other more while we face the reality in life.

March 12,2023, it was a Sunday and my wife is off from work and we decide to got to the farm to get some Firewood for us to use and for my mother in law too.

We took our son with us since the Lola takes our daughters with her to church. Also, I also need to visit our crops at that time.

Yoi took pictures of me while working, I left them at the payag while I gathered the wood to chop. The wood is heavy of course but I can bear it all especially when this beauty is with me, makes me more inspired to do the heavy work and all.

But the wife is not just all beauty, she does her best help me too. While I was gathering the logs in the field, she took her time cutting them so that it will be easier to chop later.


We gathered enough Firewood and left the at the farm to dry so that the mother in law will be able to bring them once dried and lighter. But since all of us at home uses Firewood to cook, we estimated our work to last for about a month which will give us enough time to gather woods again.

A week before

But gathering Firewood that is enough to cater our needs for one month does not happen in a day, we've been doing it for several weeks and this is how we did it week before, it was remarkable!

The wife and I also went to the farm on March 5th for the same reason and the wife's mother told us to chop the wood she prepared so we could take it how that day.

But when we lifted the logs, lots of termites had been consuming them already and the chickens were so lucky to be at the right place at the right time and they had an amazing feast with the juicy and tasty delights.

Speaking of food, when we had our lunch, wife realized that we don't have spoons to use for eating, her mom must have brought it back home because she doesn't get her hands wet after a hard day's work so we improvised instead!

I made bamboo spoons but we're not as good because our stomachs had been rumbling before we cooked the instant noodles we brought for viand.

The lunch though is remarkable! The soup were added with the bamboo flavor and aroma, and the cold wind that passed by made the lunch even better not to mention we ate under a huge mango tree with an amazing view around. Of course, I had my girl with me and that is romantic enough to be called a date.

The day ended productively and we had another schedule attended that afternoon.

You see, dates doesn't have to be fancy at all. After all, whether we go to nice places or do hard work, as long as we are together we call it a date. Life after having kids were always in a rush and only in these time we can slow a bit than usual and appreciate the time we had together.

I still call it a date when sharing a cup of coffee while the kids are all asleep too And I treasure every moment. Dates are not just about making special moments but rather making moments special. Would you agree?

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