Experiencing The Worst Out Of The Heat

For the past weeks, we have been experiencing the hottest weather in our country ranging from 40-49 degrees Celsius. Face-to-face classes have been canceled and shifted to the alternative form, online classes. With this rising temperature, it is of public importance that it endangers our lives, causing many potential health illnesses, for example, heatstroke.


This is just an example of how the heat index is continuously rising in our country. All credit goes to the Philippine Star for the publication and Pagasa for the weather forecast.

Just last week when I got the most out of the scorching heat. It was Thursday when I decided to go out with my friend to do errands. We left our dorm at 10 a.m. and first went to the university. Afterward, we went ahead to town to do more errands. When I had to deposit a check at the bank, I went to two different banks but they both said there was a problem with the check that was given to me. With that so much hassle and frustration, I decided for us to eat at Jollibee since it was lunch time and I was feeling a bit hungry at that time.

We took a tricycle to my landlord's house. By that time I was still joking about how the heat was not that much for me. I remember I said, "Is this it? I do not even feel it." After we'd done all our errands and visited my landlord, we finally decided to go home by 2 p.m. and that was the time I felt that the heat was literally on fire.

Later that evening, I experienced that my breathing was not normal and I knew that I would experience a fever. I was so weak while lying in bed. I also felt at that time that I was close to fainting. I was doing okay after I drank my medicine when at around 4 or 5 a.m. I woke up cause I was feeling so cold.

I never thought that the heat would never bother me anyway but it hit me the most. I now recovering from the worst fever I ever got. I wouldn't want to be walking lankily again. Hahahahaha!

My experience is just a reminder for all of us to be extremely cautious especially when going out. I would suggest doing errands early in the morning to avoid heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Drink a lot of water, stay in a place in your house where it is cozy or in front of an electric fan, and lastly, apply sunscreen for sun protection too! Even if you are staying indoors!

Please do not also forget your pets! Bath them, give them drinking water, and put them in a cool place. They are also suffering from this heat.

This is also a wake-up call for everyone to do our part in helping our planet recover back to its former glory. Let us plant more trees and if possible, let us try to live sustainably. Mother Earth needs us now more than ever.

#summerheat #heat #hiveph #philippines #bicol #hydrate #earth

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