A Glimpse Of My Student Life

I have been mentioning here that I am still a student specifically in a medical course. Some of you might know my program and some are not yet aware. Perhaps, this blog may give you an idea of what truly am I doing in my program.

Yesterday as I was scrolling through Instagram stories seeing all of my classmates' photos gave me the idea of posting some of the photos here on Hive. As I was scrolling through my phone's gallery, I happened to find some of it. Might just share it here with little stories of every photo.

Oh, before I forget and clarify, I am currently studying Doctor of Veterinary Medicine here in my region.


Here's a photo of me with my project in Comparative Anatomy. This is a mounted skeleton of a young goose which I assembled myself. I almost cried myself doing this because I had so much trouble arranging the vertebrae. Thankfully, this saved my ass and I passed the subject.


In this photo is a labeled scapula. We are required to memorize all the parts of it. I remember this was one of the easiest bones I had to memorize during my anatomy subject.


Here's me and Ate Katt while she's teaching me how to use the microscope. I actually know how to use it but I am not just the best when figuring it out that's why I had to get help from her. She's also one of my good friends at this college. A beautiful person in and out!


This was during our clinical pathology class where we collected bl00d from this broiler chicken. I had to take a photo with her cause I was able to collect bl00d with just one hit! It was quite challenging because this chicken was ginormous.


This was the time we had to go to the farm to collect bl00d in one of the chickens. Thankfully, the staff allowed us to collect some. We needed it during our practice for smearing and observing specimens under the microscope.


We were able to observe the presence of cells here. Correct me if I'm wrong but in my observation, this was a cell called Eosinophil.


Here's a photo of me with Chia. I was able to collect bl00d from here. Such a patient dog!


Blood collection from Anika the cat. Anika is just so patient with us. He is actually a male cat but we named him that. Hahahaha!


Here's us after picking up the chickens we used for our practical exam in Clinical Pathology. This was such a tiring day but we were able to collect bl00d from these hens.


Of course, med school is not going to be fun without friends. These were us during the earlier days of the first semester. I remember being so intimidated by my classmates because I was the only one not taking surgery class and all of them had already tried drawing bl00d. But with my determination, I was able to keep up with them.

This is only a glimpse of what my veterinary medicine journey is. There's a lot more happening behind these photos. There are days when I am about to give up but I always tell myself that I can do it and that God is always guiding me and he did not put me in this dream for nothing.

Also, I'd like to remind everyone to please be kind to your veterinarians. They are dealing with so much, please be gentle to them. More importantly, please attend to your pet's needs. It is better to be safe than sorry in the end.

Lastly, if you are thinking of getting a pet, please ask yourself these questions:

  1. Am I ready to take another responsibility aside from myself?
  2. Am I capable enough?
  3. Am I financially capable of providing for my pet's needs?

These are just questions you might ask yourself. There's a lot more to that.

I hope this blog explains why I am missing in action sometimes. Thanks for reading! XOXO

P.S. We wouldn't be collecting bl00d if it weren't required. Also, aftercare was given to the animals.

#Studentlife #Student #VetMed #Life #University #College #Philippines #Hiveph #Proofofbrain

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