Attending the Enhancement Course Training (for English Grammar)

Attending this training is important if you want to improve your grammar and effectively convey the appropriate context when writing anything, whether it's a technical paper or a creative story. This training is called "Project READ! Revitalizing English Abilities for Dynamic Improvement" and it is a mandatory course enhancement. We cannot proceed to the internship if we cannot show a certification from this. We have to complete this one-week grammar training without absences but valid excuses are considered. Truth be told, there are still many college students who are struggling with correct grammar and even me, there are times when I lose the proper words to use. No one is perfect that's why we're here to learn and improve ourselves. There's always room for improvement and this training is one of those.


These are my classmates and schoolmates for this training and we got the chance to take another picture with our very dedicated English instructor. We are fortunate to have this free training offered in the school and everyone will get the benefit. The only thing we pay is for the modules and nothing more. It does not drain every student's pocket at the same time it provides us with a strong opportunity to excel in English grammar. Whatever field you come across, you will always encounter the job qualification of "possess good oral and written communication skills in English," and this is something that we should strongly develop.

The schedule for this grammar training depends on the instructor handling us. As for our group, our scheduled time is 4:30-7:30 in the evening. Sometimes we are scared to walk alone in the hallways especially when it's dark, this is what I don't like from evening class, I'm scared of walking in the dark. Luckily, our house is within walking distance so I don't have to worry about commuting. But I realized that my brain is less active when it's night and I think it's because I'm a morning person.


I admit that I find studying grammatical rules so boring that I want to sleep immediately. Our instructor will discuss this first before he starts asking us questions. When it's time to answer the module, I find it tricky and boring at the same time. I am not a grammar-nazi person but it is still important to memorize the rules in English grammar because it plays a big part in your written communication. We usually start the session with a prayer followed by a nationalistic song then an energizer and finally a food for thought.


We officially ended the entire training with a culminating program. Each group will present a performance on the stage and the administrators extend their heartfelt message to the instructors who accept the offer to facilitate this training and they are not paid for it, it's done out of their genuine hearts. I'm beyond thankful for what they're doing for us right now and it's enough to say that they care for the future of their students. One day we will repay the good deeds they have given to us and let the seeds they planted right now bloom for the future.

Thank you for reading my blog! All photos are mine unless stated otherwise. See you on my next blog! 🌸

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