Yuletide Season: Brings Family Closer and Happier

Everyday is a new day, it is a blessing to wake up and have good health for the whole family. A precious gift that cannot be replaced by any material things. Giving back what we received is truly the essence of this yuletide season.

The spirit of Christmas brings the family together. This is my most treasured moment where we can feel the love and care of our love ones. A time to share and give gifts to our godchildren, parents, relatives, and siblings. A season of forgiving, forgetting, and sharing. Regardless of what kind of living we have, we can share and give something to anyone. It is not how much you give but how much affection you you put into giving.

Today we gathered around in my cousin's house to celebrate Christmas. She invited us to come and feel every moment as we together celebrate the christmas party. She is very fortunate to have so much blessings than us. In return, she shared what she had with all her family, friends, and relatives. The program started at 2 in the afternoon, and all of us were well accomodated. It is a great time acquainted with other relatives. I can see the smiling faces and the positivity of everybody.


Everyone received something from our generous cousin. It was a joyous celebration, it is a merry Christmas indeed.

The Highlights of the Celebration




The Delicious Foods

In every celebration, food is an important highlight. A full stomach brings a happy heart and energy. A buffet style was offered to everybody. We had a sumptuous early dinner, I allowed myself to eat and forget my maintained body weight, 😂. Lechon is the main dish that everybody longs to eat, including myself. I know I will gain weight after this yuletide season and I need to work hard to wash away the bad fats in my body.

Gifts for Everybody


After the dinner, it was followed by giving of gifts through raffles and it was intended by everybody. We picked a number and received a gift wrapped depending on the assigned gift for that number. All were excited and waited for their number to be called. We had so much fun!



Being generous and kind my cousin gave a half sack of rice and money as a bonus to her workers on the farm. I felt happiness inside as I saw their smiling faces as they received their gifts. They shouted and applauded for the unexpected blessings they have received.

The joyful moments were treasured by my relatives. The problem we had in our life seemed stops for a while as all of us were enjoying the celebration. One thing is for sure that the good memories will always linger in our mind as we comemorate the wonderful experience we had.


Games are always present in every Christmas celebration. This makes a party more fun. The host allowed us to play different games, and the winner received a watch as their prize. I participated in some of the games to enjoy and exercise. All are welcome to join the games, I didn't mind if I won or lost what's important is I enjoyed the night.

The positive attitudes she shared with us connect and contribute good factors to everyone. She is a living Santa Claus who spread love, blessings, and unity in this Christmas season. Exchanging of warm wishes was extended as we departed from the venue.

Going home with happiness in heart gives theraphy in mind and soul. Let us continue spread love all over the world and enjoy every moment as we all know that life is short.

Until next time I hope you can spare a little time on my blog.

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