My Unforgettable and Amazing Childhood Experiences

"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided, but for the feeling that you cherished them"- Richard L. Evans


Hello to the Wonderful and Amazing people of Hive!!!
Good day to all. Hope you are doing fine and great. This is for my participation in Weekly Challenge #4( Childhood Recollection) of Hive PH. Upon reading the challenge I thought of something that I experienced in my childhood days.

We may had childhood moments that we can't ever forgot these maybe sad stories,funny moments etc. For my 36 years of existence I had so many experiences encountered but my childhood days were marked in my mind and in my heart.

In my previous blogs, I always talked about my late mother. She was a perfect mother to me indeed, that's why my childhood days were so unforgettable to me.

Even though we were not in a wealthy family but still she gave the best for us. She made my childhood days a colorful and memorable one. She loved to have a photograph of us as her children and that is why I have these photos. She always keep photos of us ang made some notes at the back of the pictures.She wrote how old we were during that time. By the way, I'm the only girl among the three siblings.


This was me and my elder brother. I forgot to read how old I was here.


I would like to joined here as a child actress. Oops!just kidding




My Grade school experiences that I never forgot

When I was still in grade school, my mother made me join in the dance presentation every after the school year-end. She asked our adviser if I can join the practice coz she liked my dancing and the adviser nodded and approved. I was a shy-type person but because of my Mama, I performed and danced.

My Grade 1 pictures

I was not into dancing but I always told myself this is for my Mama and I wanted her to be happy. I embraced the fact that she used to be happy and proud then if I will perform and danced.



Then every end of the school year. I was fortunately recieved an award and ribbons and my mother will give me gift so that I will be motivated to study more.


My Grade 2 pictures

Just a little kembot (twitch) here and there. I looked better here.isn't it?😀



My Grade 3 picture


My Grade 4 picture with my best friend in school😊


My Grade 5 picture

I wasn't able to secure any picture during my grade 5 dance presentation,it may be lost or get wet/damaged during typhoon Yolanda.

And then in Grade 6. My mother used to join me in a contest
where the bigger the money raised will be the winner and crowned as a Queen. As I had said earlier, we were not a wealthy family and we can't afford to put up and raised money in our pockets. She did was, she asked for help from one of the barangay councilors whom her friend and she asked for help. One of the mechanics of the contest was, you are gonna raised money and half of it will be returned to the owner and the other half will go to the organizer of the program. Many of them helped to raise funds including our relatives and Mama's friends. And so to make the story short, I won the contest and was crowned as the queen because of my mother's determination and perseverance.


I had a great experience with my chidhood days and I won't ever forget this and forever treasure this for the rest of my life 🥰

Thank you my dearest hive friends for reading this, I hope you'd enjoy and this gives you inspiration.Thank you for your support and God bless😊

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