Understanding How You Can Unf*ck Yourself This 2024


"New Year, New Me!"

This is the most common saying every first day of any year, and it will probably be there for all eternity of life. Personally, when I say "New" and incorporate it with "Me", that means "Change", which would mean total self-transformation.

In this world, in all ways Change is both constant and inevitable. More than knowing it, we should also understand it. Our lives are just as same as the changing of seasons. There is a time for Summer, there is a time for Winter. A time of drought a time of harvest. Tides will be low and at times it will be high.

What am I pointing out here?

Short answer, No, we can't. There will always be circumstances that are sometimes hard to process, times we plan out something and doesn't work the way we wanted. Times an unforeseen event occurs that we least expected and still it happens. I believe the best thing we can do is change our perception and reaction to things that are far from our advantage.

It's all about perspective.

Unpacking before Unf*cking.

I believe that wishing and wanting to change ourselves is a good thing, and the fact that we desire to change is a great starting point. So how can we change?

Create a System.

I made this method with an acronym of AAHH, which seems like screaming in panic but it's not. I swear to God. 🀣 In this way, we can check ourselves hopefully know more about ourselves, and be able to create a stronger mind for ourselves and move forward to our system for a better and sensible life. ✨


One of the best critiques we can have is ourselves most especially in the aspect of personal and professional growth. Evaluating ourselves for our strengths, weaknesses, skills, and goals.


Probably the hardest thing to do for anyone would be to acknowledge the reality of the situation without judgment or resistance.

Creating a new habit, a brand new routine for ourselves, if last year's system didn't work, tweak, or recreate. Learn new things, and develop characteristics.

Hard Work.png
Hard work is the persistent effort and dedication invested in achieving a goal or overcoming challenges. The determination, the willingness to adapt to change. Beating luck with work.


When I decided to create this account, my goal was to inspire to uplift people, share my experiences, and hear from others to learn from them and vice versa, understand life, to improve it for myself and others. Along the way, I decided to associate myself with different individuals with weak minds, bodies, and souls to see what could transpire, either lift them or get eaten and be like them. I have a destructive personality but am hopeful. I believe I was able to help uplift some, but not all, unfortunately, some are resistant to change, but I don't blame them, and I don't feel bad about them, at the end of the day "To each his own", and the truth be, I feel bad for myself, because in the process of trying to handout help, I wasn't able to help myself and do things favorable for me. So this year, that'll be all changed. I am grateful for things that happened and so with the things that didn't happen, for all the people I shared my experience good or bad, and for the things I did, and didn't do. Let's all move forward!

This year I'm choosing me, my peace, my pace, my time. I'll be resistant to negativity and all the eerie complaints. I will respectfully shut things down with my silence, I wouldn't argue with the little things that are not progressive. I would associate myself more with like-minded individuals that can put values in my life, and me to them. I'll do more work financially, mentally, physically and do my very best to speak the good news.

One of the things I love and enjoy is Stand-up comedy, I've been reading and researching about it since last year, and for decades I have been wishing to be one! 🀣

  • Public speaking
  • Strong material that would crush
  • The Anxiety of Standing in front of random strangers

I can only imagine the pressure! 🀣 but I secretly write my material and slowly try to be in that scene, and who knows, by any time this year I will develop the ultimate balls of steel and guts of the hardest deeznuts! to be able to do it 🀣🀞 So yeah that's one thing I would one to manifest out of many. So 2024 LFG!!!!



BT-dubs, all images, photos, graphics, and videos I use in my content are all taken or made by me, unless otherwise stated.

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