Living the Matrix | Are We Living A Simulated Reality?

matrixman.jpegImage source Nightcafe Studio

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Do you remember the movie The Matrix? It's about a regular guy who had a lot of questions about the world he lived in, online he was known as Neo, until one day, what he seeking, sought him and found out that he was living in a simulated world run by robots and use humanity as a power source. Now this is a fictional movie but since the first movie was released there were different conspiracy theories that circulated around it. One of which is that the machine symbolizes the higher entities or organization that operates by manipulating and leading the society on the design structure that they created.

Evidence of Reality

Even before the rise of technology, even before World War I and II, I believe constant manipulation of thought processes is being pursued by individuals, like example during the time of colonization of the Philippines, the people of the land had their own beliefs, culture, and way of life, until the Spanish conquerors decided to impose their own belief and ideology. Some decided to agree to their terms and the other half of the story is the resistance of it all. After a while, the conquerors won and claimed the land for themselves and enslave the people before them, and as for the resistance, they were branded guerillas or a threat to the society.

Do you remember the time when some Muslim extremists were terrorizing everywhere? Well, at least that's on the daily news when television was still a thing. It was so bad for the Muslim brothers and sisters, especially in my Mindanao (One of the islands of the Philippines), where most of the people that reside on the island are Muslims, because of the narrative, everyone looked down on them, scared of them. branded them without even thinking for themselves that there are bad people and not as a whole.

Mind games

Two decades after, COVID happened, the narrative was Pandemic, Lockdown, We can die from it, Vaccine, Stay at home, If you own nothing you will be happy, and so on..

I got to be honest during those times I was going out drinking at a friend's house and none of us got COVID or died from it. Do I have doubt about it? Yes, I did. Did I go to places and surround myself with random people I do not know? Nope, never. Did people die from sickness? A lot as the poll says. Do I think it was all propaganda? Yes.

As technology arises, seems like all of us are very much attached to our gadgets and that's what we call progress, but is it really? Everything should be defined as something, one must set boundaries and limit what they say, do, and think or else they get canceled. Isn't that controlled freedom? Nowadays everything offends everybody. Have we gone that soft?

Do you think for yourself? or do you follow what others think? Do you have time to think for yourself or do you let others think for you? Or it doesn't matter and you will just let it be as you were told?

Drama and Fear as a Weapon

When I was younger I used to live with my Grandparents and my grandmother just stay home and watches the news all day, and back in high school I was always out with friends and go home late and she would always tell me "You always stay late, I saw in the news there are a lot of hold-dapper and might rob you." I always hear that term from her "I saw it in the news..", now remember she's the one watching, I'm the one experiencing the outside world.

In today's world, it seems there are always negative factors that divide society in different ways, different eras same scenario, and problems exist and will continue to exist. Different ideologies, different desires, different rights, and wrongs.


Since we are forgetful creatures and do not recall what happens 100 years back, even more, 500 or 1000 years back except the narrative that we're being told, and obviously everyone is a regular Joe, and we really do not know who are the 1% of the 1% of the society, what if, just what if, they let us consume what they want us to consume and we are just pawns in their chessboard, to us everything is falling apart, but to them it really doesn't matter. In our lifetime we can only reach a certain point of advancement, merit, or comfort but not really achieve the 1% of the 1% status. Wouldn't that be something of a simulated reality? I don't know, this is just some random brain farts.


Reprogramming our own Reality

Mainly, the reason I'm writing this is that I think our mind is collectively powerful and it's like a sponge that can absorb everything just as healthy food gives our body nutrition and junk food can lead us to sickness, and so as what we feed our mind. Recently, I decided to go offline from all of my social media platforms just to shut down all the voices and noises, and for seven days I was out of the digital world, I know all thought processes were all mine, and habits are being broken, and because of it, my mind was much clearer than before, it's not perfect, and I'm not after perfection, I just know what I have to do, practicing it as a habit seems the best way to go about it. We should from time to time get away from the digital world, experience the real world and see the beauty of creation, turn off our mobile phones, stop seeking attention, and passionately find what we want to live for.

What do you think?


mebu150.gifThis is sensiblecast. Til next time see yalls!


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