Dear Women... International Women's Day Special


Dear Women,

First and Foremost, Happy International Women's Day! I hope you had a great day, next is I'm a Man, so if any, this post is a Man's perspective of Women, My perspective, this maybe subjective, but I want you to have an openmind, since after all, we are all equal as a person, as a human. Right? Well I hope you believe that as I do.

This is for the HivePH Blog Contest for the week, and if you are Filipino, A Woman, who's interested to join the contest, If you want to be heard, I encourage you to speak out, stand up and voice it out loud in this prompt!


Do women contribute in society?

Hell yeah! That shouldn't be even a question, the real question is, why do you think otherwise? Growing up, having a single Mother who stood up both as a Father and a Mother, I know better the hardship, the struggles, the sacrifices my Mom has made for us sibling. I remember as a child as we were cleaning up our room, somewhere underneath old clothes and sheet, there was this notebook and figured out it's a Diary, and in it, only one page was used up with the words written:

"Everything in this life, I do it for my Son and Daughter."

Do you know why the Earth is called a Mother? Why Gaia is depicted as a Woman? Now this maybe subjective to you, but this is just my own wisdom and understanding of things. It is what it is for the reason The Earth itself creates life right before our very eyes, Plants thrives, animals thrive, Trees bear fruits that we all eat, We breath the air that gives us life as Women does. Biologically speaking, Women are the only one that can bear a child, even in different animal kingdom (if I'm not mistaken).

So as simple as that. Yes, Women has a lot to give for this world, and No one should question that. It is almost holy. Women are gate way from the other realm to this world. Consciousness transfer to a human baby to your womb, and to this realm. Ever thought of that? Men, like me, wouldn't exist without any Mother.

There are but dumb Men, as there are dumb Women, but that shouldn't dictate anyone of us, there are just dumb People exist in our world and that's just the truth. Honestly, I would always want a Female perspective in some decisions that I do, I think it's vital and true, Your judgement matters to me. It helps me grow.


There is no love greater than a Mother's Love, there is no care greater than a woman, You know, whenever I'm on my lowest point, the safest place I would want to be, is in the arms of my lady. I would always long for the warmest of hug and the soothing voice telling me "it's going be okay, you can stand up again and do what you got to do." Yes, you are going to hear it from a men's weakness, my weakness.


Do Men often under appreciate Women?

Unfortunately, Yes, in most part of our world, that is undeniable, but you know what I think is the saddest? Is `Women under appreciating women`. Women would talk about Toxic Masculinity, but hey isn't it that those so-called self-help-beauty magazine showing beautiful women, wearing beautiful clothes and make ups, dictates what you should be as a women? Shouldn't be them that we blame for getting under your skin and your own insecurities? Because I am pretty sure they are the ones who make you insecure of yourself. They feed of people's insecurities and that ticks me off. Or those Feminist Extremist? But don't really identify themselves as Female. Don't they create narratives that dictates you? These are the things that we should question. Although I understand in some parts of the world the world, women are being undermined, women are tied and bound to some rules and caged to some religion. As the world advances to the future, having such event as the International Women'ss Day it only means your voices are started to get heard, and I am with you on this. let us be all equal.

When ever I'm be dating someone, I often tell my woman that even with bare face, even with rugged clothes on a Sunday, I see to it that I let her know how beautiful she is, not as a task or commandment, she just IS. And I just have to let her know that. Fuck what they say, She is beautiful, and so you are. You all are beautiful in your own ways and you will always be. Don't let other's insecurity be yours. Don't let what you see judge you of who you are. Feel for them but don't let it get into you, because sometimes they're aren't really your struggle.


Final Words

I hope you see the beauty within you, don't let television shows, makeup magazines dictate who you are, You are what you are, accept what you are, believe what you can do and what you can achieve. We all are different, We are all imperfectly equal and that is the undeniable truth. There are things Men can't do that Women can, and vice versa and that's just facts. But accepting that, you help me, I help you, Things gets easier, things gets done. We thrive individually and even better, together. So know that you are Smart, you are strong, you are beautiful, you are love, you have so much to give to this world and I hope that you let yourself grow to be a better woman than you are before. Not for me, not to anyone, but for your self.

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