The Opening of Our City's Adventure of Lights: A Merry and Bright Night with Mama and Hundreds of People

Walk at night in a crowded and noisy place? Well, it could be noisy, and you'll have to face different kinds of people, but we have to admit that being surrounded by noises coming from different people is so much better than hearing our own thoughts and fighting with them relentlessly. Because you know, that kind of noise is not easy to block even with loud music. Would you agree?

As our plan was about to happen, I couldn't help but feel excited, and I had this strong urge to just pull the hand of the clock to our scheduled time, even though I only had 30 minutes to wait. I really want to do this to stop myself from thinking too much, lol. Thinking too hard is tiring, I tell yah.

Anyways, We started our little trip to get there at 5 p.m., not a little later after that, we finally arrived at the venue, and I couldn't help but get mesmerized by the people I saw in the town plaza. Mind you, more people are still coming as the night goes deeper.

And yes, the reason for all this was the lighting up ceremony in Plaza de Bansud, which consisted of the municipal Christmas tree, the park and plaza decorative lights, the parols of schools, the parols of barangays, and the Christmas village. And aside from that, there's a program in here too in which students in elementary school participated, it is the Christmas Carol Choir Competition. It's like a fiesta in here because of how many people visit our town just to watch this special event and to witness the opening of the Christmas tree and Christmas lights.


And one of the highlights of this event was this huge Christmas Tree, which is really tall. I just love that we have this here. I think they made it taller than the previous one.

Anyways, I invited my mommy Flor to come with us to watch this, she agreed at first, but then she changed her mind at the last minute, saying that she might feel suffocated in there or something. So it's just me and Mama who are there.

And when I saw these people in here, I thought to myself, It's a good thing Mom didn't come, because if she did, she would surely feel hot in here even though it's windy. Although the scenery here is superb, we don't want to risk it. Mommy F is kind of weak in hot weather, you see. She can take it only for a minute, maybe, but if it is longer than that, then nah.

This is how many people attended that day. It's not even all that because people were scattered everywhere in the park. We had a hard time looking for a good place to stay where we could watch it, but at least we tried. There's too many people, we are too shy to even go on further, so we just settle on this spot here. It's far away, but we can still hear and see it, so it's no problemo.

The kids are still performing on stage, and they are really cute with their pretty costumes. It seems like they are enjoying it too, seeing how they are happily dancing and singing Christmas songs in front. It's a remix, by the way. If my nieces are only here, they will surely enjoy it too. They might even dance with them because I heard they also love dancing, lol. What adorable cuties!

Mama felt that it would rain, and it did, but because Mom expected it already, we already found a tent near this. They actually made a tent everywhere here so that if ever it rains, people can cover themselves. And actually, we have an umbrella, but still, covering ourselves with something bigger is much better.

After the program ended, it's finally time to open the lights in the whole park. After greetings from our mayor, they finally opened it, and tadaaaaa! There's a fireworks display, which adds to the fun of this celebration. The people are shouting in happiness after the lights were on, from kids to adults. My photo is a little low quality, that's what I get for having a low-end phone with a low-end camera, lol. But still, you can still see the joy of the people in this photo.

Me and Mama were all smiling while witnessing it all. We are even talking about how this event looks as lively as when we are celebrating the fiesta here. And we both agreed that this would continue even the next day. People will flock in here every day, even without events. I mean, this is really not the only attraction here, there's a lot to enjoy here, and kids and adults can both enjoy it.

And here's the parol of barangays. And mind you, they change design every year. These sets are different again from last year, which makes Bansudeños look forward to them every year. I mean, it's a competition too, so they really required a change of design. They're making the plaza more lively with its lights flickering and accompanying it with Christmas carols, it's really awesome.

I just had a hard time taking photos in there because there's a lot of people who're taking turns to have a selfie with each other. I'm encouraging Mama to go pose for me, but she just said she's not that fond of taking pictures. Aigoooo, same with me, especially in a crowded place. But if it's a selfie, then I can do that, I'll do it indoors only for a hundred of times, lol. And the only audience I have is our cats, lol. Anyways, I don't have pictures in there because even if I want to, my face can't take it as I get shy in the crowd.

After checking all the Parol, we decided to go to the food stalls near the Plaza because I was already hungry. I didn't take dinner at Home before going here because I planned to eat out. There's a lot of food stalls in here, they are in one spot, and there are times that you'll have a hard time reaching the end of it because it's really crowded. Just look at the crowd in here.

Having these food stalls here is a blessing for us because there are sellers here who showcase their own cooking, and we can only discover them here. We can also discover homemade foods here, just like this pork siomai that I enjoyed so much. It is so meaty, and with the soy sauce, chili oil, and calamansi as a dip, it is the perfect pair for rice. I brought this home because I want to eat it with rice. Mom and Mama eat them solo, though.

I also bought some Mallow Graham Balls as our dessert, I didn't buy that much because I just wanted to try them. And I really thought at first that it was made with pure Graham, but we only discovered at home that it has mallows in it. It tastes good, but the mallows are just too sweet for me. I feel like having a sore throat just by having one ball. But either way, for those who have a sweet tooth and enjoy this kind of food, you will surely enjoy it if you try. I love the texture of the mallows covered in crushed grahams.

Image Edited in Canva

And that's how our little trip to Plaza de Bansud ended. I got tired legs after all the walking here and there, but I enjoyed it. I'll share more of the fun scenery that we have in Plaza de Bansud soon, so stay tuned (✯ᴗ✯).

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