Making It Clear, On Point, and Simple - That's How I Plan My Retirement!


Since joining a cryptoblogging site years ago, I've been too eager to earn more so I can save more money that I can use in the future to have my life savings. It's part of my retirement plan. I never thought that I could be this dedicated to what I'm doing, as I see myself as a lazy bum. Lol. But when I started and when I finally had the taste of money, that pushed me more to exceed my limit and do more to earn more. There's money in there, so all I have to do is do my best. It's to have a beautiful future.

In my head, "So this is what it felt like when you have the money, it's like I'm on top of the world. I like the feeling." That time, I feel like I can buy everything, lol. I even thought, "So that's why people love to do overtime." I've been unemployed since forever, so there's no way of knowing it. I'm curious if I will be as dedicated as this if I have a day job. Money is beautiful, money is everything. It's just amazing how everything works smoothly if you have the money.

I know full well how it is without saving, and you don't have money to even buy your own shampoo. I can't even contribute to the house, and all I can do is some simple housework. It would be cool if I, too, could contribute to the house while also saving. And I finally achieved that, as I am also starting to contribute at home. It really feels amazing. I like the feeling of being able to be of use to the household. I can crave the dish that I want, then buy it using my money and eat it with the family.


But anyway, I am just glad that Mommy F taught me how important saving up is. Because of that, the urge to buy what I "want" is not so strong that I can still stop myself from doing that. Thanks to that, little by little, I was able to save even a small amount. I am happiest when I finally see a 6-digit number in my account. And because of that, it pushes me more to work hard to add more to it. It's not easy, but I get by. I only have one rule, save, save, save, spend a little, then save more.

So yes, I already started with my retirement plan, even though I don't have any work to retire from, lol. The first step should be saving up and using what's available on my end to successfully do that. I think saving crypto can give me an amazing result later, rather than withdrawing it and letting it sleep in the bank. Although it is super risky, the higher the risk, the higher the reward - I mean return later. All I can do now is trust my coin and save as much as I can. Unfortunately, I only have one source of income, so I have to be patient because this can really take so much time.


It will be better if I have a regular job that can give me more income. Saving up can progress a little faster, but anyway, I'm still glad that I have one. This will really take a lot longer, but it's better than no progress at all. To be honest, I don't wish for extravagance now, all I want is to save up and then live the rest of my life with my family without thinking about tomorrow. I know, I have a few goals, but seriously, I just really want everything to be as simple as that.

Of course, I also wish to go travel abroad, visit other places, and do a lot more, but I feel like all those things are just a little hassle. Weird right? I don't know why I almost have zero interest in anything. Maybe this is just because I am already happy and content with the way things are right now.

But anyways, after saving up, I will probably start looking for a land where I can build my kingdom, charrr, lol - a little kingdom, rather. I can call it my own and name it Ruffa M as its owner. This actually makes me feel more excited than traveling, I like it, but not that much. Owning a land is what pushes me more to work hard a little.


As of now, I haven't even reached 7% of what I intended to save. But I hope to reach 100% soonest. It'll be a hard one, but consistency is the key <( ̄︶ ̄)>.

In summary, it is like this:

  1. Save Up.
  2. Save More
  3. Buy my own land.
  4. Save Again

Making it clear, simple and on point - but to achieve it is not easy feat. That's why I also need a lot of good luck. Good luck to me, and to you too, who's planning it. ᕦ⊙෴⊙ᕤ

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