I Was Admitted to the Hospital for the Second Time! 2024 is Really Not My Year but I Will Get Better and Claim It. 

Life is beautiful, it's not perfect but "we" exist because we've been given a "life" which everyone cherish. But there are times that we'd rather choose for our life to be taken because of the hardship that's were facing. You know, "those time," we're we feel helpless, scared and really really tired. Yep, those times. Life is really beautiful but kinda tiring, but that's just how things work in the world no, or, is it? Ahh, I don't know!


Hey guys, just want to great you all here before I started a long story telling about what happened to me last Friday Night. How's life going in your end? Hope it's calm, awesome and full of hope? Fighting everyone! Keep going!

Now, let me share my supposed to be fun TGIF and how it become a scary one because of another nose bleeding, and not just once but twice that night. Like really, why it doesn't end? And why it has to happened twice? Huhu ಥ‿ಥ.

Everything is normal that night except, Mommy D is not feeling well and she told me if I can wash the dishes because she really can't do it night. It's just a few plates, glass and utensils and I easily cleaned it all. After that I rest a little and stay for a while on my phone. Then after that I sprayed a nasal hygiene on both of nostril and also take a medicine for blood which is ferrous sulfate.

After taking it, i planned to brush my teeth so I was just planning to get it but then I felt something on my nose again. It's blood and just like the first time it is too fast and too strong of a flow. But unlike before, I'm a bit calm and not in a panic mode. I'm still calming myself more coz I Thought it might help mr stoo the bleeding, unfortunately that didn't happen. I decided to get admitted on the hospital again. Same hospital from the first one, in PDH.


And not sure of its just a coincidence but I happen to ride on the same tricycle again, same trike, same driver. The driver is really kind as he he drive carefully but fast. And just like the first timr, I left a lot of blood again on his trike. But I know he understand.nas I keep on pressing to my nose with the thought that it can help stop the bleeding, I'm also in dilemma and over thinking about the incoming bills again. Life is really good but it can get shitty too at times ಥ‿ಥ.


When we arrive in the hospital the nurses attend to me immediately. Some nurse reacted saying I just got admitted there not too long ago. And Mama was "yes, it's not even that long yet, it's like almost two weeks ago. They also thought I got in an accident because of the blood all over my body and clothes. Because there are other patient too aside from me and the cause was due to accident. The hospital is really busy the day I got admitted. unlike before which is more peaceful and i'm the only patient on the emergency room.

And finally, also one of the doctor take pity on me and help to stop the bleeding on my nose by putting this. It is painful and really uncomfortable but miraculously, the bleeding had stopped which is why I am so thankful to him. Having this things in my nose gave me so much hard time but it helps a lot too so I had to bear with it just until it completely heal again.


Then next day, mother left me for a minute in the hospital to buy clothes. The nurse station is just really close so she left me with the nurses and they are watching me closely. Then the doctor came which is doing her daily rounds. When I saw her I got excited or something and this is when the second bleeding happened. The thing on my nose got loose too, but the good news is the doctor who put this on me is already on the hospital. And once again, he helped putting it back and the bleeding stopped. Thanks God!

But because of this i feel like i developed a trauma that I am really afraid to make movements. In my head, something might really happen again so i have to be very careful. It's so scary that I can't stop thinking about it. But then, it doesn't help me so I had to gather my thought and help myself to calm down. Everything is really just so scary now ರ_ರ.


Anyways, 5:30pm that day when I finally got a space in one of the isolation room. And just to be sure I asked the nurse how much the rate for that room and she answered it "600 php ($10.82)." It's still expensive but compare to the bigger one this one is much better. Especially we are not sure of until when will have to stay in the hospital. The room is big anyway, but there are four patient of us in here. But it's okay at least we will never get bored ಥ‿ಥ.


And by the way, because I lost too much blood. They had to do blood transfusion again and they requested of two bags ಥ‿ಥ. Oh how expensive is that ಥ‿ಥ. Thanks God HIVE EXIST! It helps me cover for that. Though it is meant to be spend as a payment to pay for my debt, but thanks to that I have money to use to buy the blood. And from 10 hemoglobin I finally have 12. I think 11 is the normal level according to google.


I'm still not sure if we can finally go home but I wanna go home now. I'm staying here since March 8 and the more we stay here the more our bills will pile up and that's just ರ_ರ. But we are planning to ask help in the city hall in our city. Hopefully we could get some.

And so, this is the reason why I'm MIA for days now. I couldn't even reply on those comment on my latest article. Because the night I publish it, is also the night I bled. But Dear God I'm okay now again. I'm Praying for my full recovery soon.

Life is a mix of good and bad but it can get better as the time goes by. We just have to believe that it will get better. We might be facing some difficulties right now but let's not lose hope and still believe that life is beautiful, it may hurt and challenge us sometimes but that's also a way for us to get stronger and be braver. So to my fellow friends who's also having a hard time right now, let's do this and fighting! We got this guys ᕙ(͡°‿ ͡°)ᕗ.

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