HPUD: New Habits Formed, Targets Still on Track

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I did not really actually set a "New Year's Resolution" for this year. But it turns out, after 2 months passed by, I realized that my 2024 new year's resolution is to gain more healthy habits and let go of bad ones. Last January, I worked on the habit of making one thoughtfully composed, mindfully created post per day here in Hive. Last February, I continued that habit and I am so glad that even through sleepy nights, and tiresome days, I still managed to keep that habit.

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I gained another healthy habit last February. I read 2 pages per day on my Charlotte Mason studies. Not only that, I narrate all of my learnings here in Hive. So it's like 2 habits linked in one. Posting it here in my blog helps me keep all the ideas that I learned in the book. If it helps another homeschooling family, it would be an added bonus.

This is the third time this year that I am powering up on HPUD. I guess that's another habit I'm trying to cement this year. Although I am cashing out a little bit every now and then, I still have a target HP by the end of the year. Hopefully I can reach that target.

While I'm here speaking about habits, I have this one bad habit that I was able to stop but I replaced it with another bad habit. I used to spend so much money doing online shopping. Every time I access my online shopping app, I always end up spending a whole lot of money. Now, I don't spend that much money anymore. I still use the app to buy things, but only our needs now most of the time. And when i said I still use the app, I still do access it but not much for buying. I got hooked on the games that are in it. Sure, I earn coins from those games but I spend a little too many hours. It's just not worth it, and I know I should really spend my time on a more healthy habit.

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But as far as building healthy habits is concerned, I can say I am nailing it. 3 healthy habits formed, 1 nasty habit replaced with a less nasty one. And so far, since 2 months have passed for this year, I can say that my Hive targets are right on track. So toodaloo for now. Until the next Hive Power Up Day.


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