Houses of Horrors - Scary Experience with a Twist


This is not much of a spooky experience but it has something to do with being scared so I guess this would qualify as a scary experience with an unexpected twist.

So story time. This happened back in the day. When I was young and wild and free. And when one isnin that stage of life, you'd think they're brave and would try just anything. I'm not the crazy adventurous type but I try just about anything as long as it's not life threatening or life altering. Hey, you're only young for a few years and the next thing you know, you're changing diapers and then you're just paying the bills and listening to a mini version of you blabber on 24/7 without rest.

One of my friends almost always has access to Ride All You Can tickets to Star City. If you haven't been there, you should try it some time. It's not that expensive, it's easy to get to, the rides are fun. Now, I just go there because the little kid wants to go to the Snow World. It's fun. It's like walking in to a gigantic walk in freezer - a lot bigger than the one at the McDonald's store at worked at.

Anyway, I and my friends go there very often, we were starting to get bored of the roller coaster ride, the Magic Carpet, and the usuals. We decided that we'd like to enter the "Gabi ng Lagim" horror house. Being the scaredy cat that I am, what with all the Magandang Gabi Bayan halloween episodes I watched, I really thought I wouldn't make it out of the Gabi ng Lagim alive. My boyfriend during that time (now my ex) assured me he'll be there, he'll protect me, yadda yadda (then years later he goes off and makes out with my friend. Ugh! 🙄)

So in we went because I believed all his promises. Everything in there was really scary. Jumpy scary, that is. You walk in, then everything is dark save for the guide lights, (I'm not really sure coz half the time my eyed were closed and my arms were tightly clasped to my ex boyfriend's arms.) But I did survive. I made it! Me and my girlfriends made it! It was such a rush. When we were outside, we were feeling so high with all the excitement and jump scares we went through. Then just a few steps away from Gabi ng Lagim, we saw the Mummy House.

You know how it feels when you just finished a big task and you say to yourself I can do this again! Or even I can take on a bigger challenge! You know how you feel when you reached the summit of a minor climb, you feel like you can take on Mt. Apo or even Mt. Everest? That was exactly what me and my girlfriends were feeling that night. So we told our guy friends and boyfriends that we wanted to enter the Mummy house. They were like "That's just the same as the other one.'" or "You'll just close your eyes the whole time again" In short, they didn't want to join us because I think they were eyeing for those games where you shoot a hoop or maybe they just wanted to ride the roller coaster again.

Feeling very brave and feeling the need to show that we are strong independent young women, we went in - I, my friend, and her cousin. This is gonna be fun, what could possibly go wrong? In we went!

As expected, there was this statue at the entry way that suddenly moved. We kinda expected that so our shrieks weren't that loud. Further in, we went. Jump scare here, eerie sound effects there. Things are going on as expected. We were actually having fun. When all of a sudden, there were people behind us shouting and running. We had no idea what was going on. Scare and panic started creeping in to me and my companions. We started running with the crowd.

The statue up front was actually a person and their task is to chase us all the way through the maze. So that, plus the eerie scary things all around, it made that horror house scarier than Gabi ng Lagim. I started questioning my decision making skills that time. In my mind, this was the wrongest of all my wrongest decisions. Is 'wrongest' even a word?

All of us, including people we don't know were running, screaming and laughing all at the same time. I think that was the longest run I've ever done in my life. I thought it will never end. And then at the far end of the last hallway (it may be possible that it was not a maze after all, I had my eyes closed - once again - half the time), I saw a bright light. We're going to get out at last! We're going to make it! And we did! That was so exhilarating.

But before we actually made it outside, there were 3 men in front of us. They were just as scared as we were. I can tell with all the screaming (I think it might have been their screams that made us laugh during the entire time.) When the scares and panic started to subside, I suddenly heard the guy in the middle say "Teka pre, yung polo ko."

That's when we realized (me and my 2 girlfriends and the guy) that all 3 of us girls were holding on to this poor guys polo. THE. WHOLE. FREAKING. TIME.

I didn't see the guy's face. All I saw was the back of his polo - all wrinkly and hopefully not torn- and then we went the other way without giving a look back. I honestly don't remember anything that happened inside that horror house. All I can recall was the panic, then that shame of having almost torn a man's shirt all because we thought we could take on teo horror houses in one night.

Now that I think of it, whoever that guy is, I'd like to thank you in behalf of my girlfriends. You are the first one who helped us in our journey to becoming strong independent women. We made it through that horror house because of your shirt. LOL. Wherever you are, man, I can still hear your scream in my head and the way you said "Teka pre, yung polo ko." I hope I never see you again. I don't want to relive that shame, but know that this story will always be told within my circle of friends and now, in Hive.


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