When I was in High School

High school days is one of my best experiences and one the most memorable days of my life. For me, without high school, life is a bit boring. High school days, this is the time when we like to explore new things. Things that you don't do during your elementary days. Absences, cutting classes, playing computer and billiards during school hours are some of the silly things that I've done during my high school days. For me, this is also the time that you will experience your first admirations, first love, first heartbreak and many things.

I still remember when I entered my College days, I really want to go back to High school because I really enjoyed and I really missed it. It took me months to adapt that I'm already a college student.


I was sent by our parents to a school in town with my older brother. We permanently lived with our uncle together with his family. Our school, its not really far from our barrio but it's really hard to travel back and forth because that time the road is very difficult to pass through (sira-sira hindi pa sementado), high fare on habal-habal (i think its 50 pesos that time one way lang), and we really don't want to hustle my parents by sending and picking us at school everyday thats why we agreed to it.
At first it was difficult for me because I'm really not used to be away with my family. I still remembered when my parents sent us every Sunday evening to the house of my uncle it feels like I don't want them to leave. I was in tears when I heard that they already left. It took me months to adapt to this new environment of mine. My sadness was gone when I already had a lot of new friends and whenever I see my brother, he was not bothered by it maybe because he was already used to it. So I made myself felt relieve too.

The Main Entrance of my Alma Mater.

I studied at Hilongos National Vocational School (HNVS) and taked a major in Automotive. During my first year in high school, it was very difficult because it was a new environment for me and also I really don't know all of my classmates. After a couple of days of attending school, I little by little met some new friends which helped me to adjust. Fast forward, during my first and second year in high school, I can say that I was a good student, I even go to school even when I'm sick that time because that's what I'm used to especially during elementary days. My mother will get mad at me that's why I still do it during High school.

This photo was taken during our Major Subject way back year 2008.

When I entered in third year, everything changed. My usual classmates were in the other section and I ended up joining the naughty and stubborn ones. Because most of my classmates were naughty I was then influenced by them to become one. There were times that we ended up making cutting classes to play computer games. I was very addicted to computer games that time especially "Dota Warcraft", when there were bets before, we didn't attend school anymore just to watch them play. Billiards and standbying at the grand stand are also one of the silly things that we did during that time. I remembered during there's an event in school especially when there's a "Mass", we don't attend it, we only told our classmates to make an attendance for us so that we will not be marked as absent. We will climbed the school wall for us to get out of school premises. There was a time that the guard once chased us when we were caught in act climbing the wall, luckily we were not caught. My grades were very low that time.


When I entered my fourth year in High School I already started to change myself. I let myself focused on studying, I really tried not to go with them because I want my grades to get high again and for me to get a good Course when I am going to enter my college. My dream course that time was "Computer Engineering" just like my brother, "Mechanical Engineering" and "Automotive Technology" which was the course that I took up with. Back to the topic, I graduated and I felt very happy that time because I survived and ended up graduating even there were times that I was a stubborn student before.

Ending Thoughts

I never regretted what happened at that time because I was very happy with the experiences. Having that kind of personality contributed a lot for who I am today. Reminiscing those experiences gives me the proof that even when I was once become a naughty and stubborn, it's not always guaranteed that I become worthless or "walang mararating sa buhay." Look at me now I am proud to say that I am able to reach some of my dreams.

Thank you for your time and may God Bless us all.


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