We aged not by years but by stories

Hello, gentle readers.

@restlessadvntr is back.

“It's not about being happy all the time, or being sure of all your choices. It's about knowing that life is precious, even when it's tough.”

March 2, 2024 - A great day to celebrate things because it’s the birthday of my loving, caring mother.

The other day we bound to Bogo City to buy ingredients together with my Papa and Mama with my Sister-in-law Mariz with the little baby Brylee and also Jeremie and Sord

We really enjoyed having a good time at Bogo buying those ingredients. After, we go to Pantalan Bogo to have dinner at Merly's BBQ Kiosk.

All those things won't be possible without the help of my brother who pledges a one whole lechon and also big thanks to HIVE I was able to contribute with the celebration. I was able to buy those ingredients for the birthday celebration. Thank you to @jobeliever and @indayclara for introducing me to this platform, a big thanks to both of you coz the birthday of my mother won't be possible if this things never introduced to me.
Those are the vegetables bought by my brother from the city coz its much cheaper there than at Bogo Public Market and he just let the vegetables ride to a Van for hire bound to north just to drop it in our house.

The day during the celebration my mother went to our store coz shes the one who's assigned in there and it's much better coz we can start with our plan to surprise her.

Me as the in-charge for the cooking I already prepared the ingredients and marinated all the meats needed. I was about to cook Eskabetche, Menudo, Bam-e, Lumpia (Spring Rolls), Cajun Shrimp, Salad, Kimchi.

There's so much to prepare but I made it due to the help of Mariz and other people.
And theres Mariz and Boss MJ finalizing the table to aesthetics. 😄 😅 Big thanks to MJ coz the decoration came in time and also to Mariz for cooperation and the money together with your husband. 😂

My mother blow her candle from ther cake with papa, soliel (radney and angel's daughter) and brylee (ronron and mariz's daughter). They are very happy doing it. They really enjoyed the moment.


Tabogon Roosevelt Highschool officemates or workmates of my mother arrived. They sung happy birthday to uplift the birthday celebrant. My mother was very happy and enjoyed her moment.
Before eating they have a photo-opt for memories. Look at their happy faces. When there is food, there is joy. Food is our comfort.

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."


Mariz was facilitating the visitors. A big thanks for the help.
Even though they are busy they were able to help and do the task assigned to them.

Lifes too short to not celebrate the good days. So go out and enjoy your day, you've certainly earned it.


Can’t wait to tell you more about my next adventures. 😊

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