The Chronicles of Myself

What’s up?😀 This is Regie Pislaan and I am happy to share my life journey with you. I was born and raised from the Summer Capital of the Philippines, Baguio City, but I am now currently residing at the Strawberry Capital of the Philippines, La Trinidad Benguet. I just turned 18 during the pandemic and now I’m 22. It feels like that span of time just slipped from my hands. I am a Pisces, and it was believed that a Pisces is compassionate, artistic, deeply emotional, especially empathic and often inclined to throw themselves into caring for others, which I believe is true. I always care for other people more than myself. Especially when it comes to my family. I always put them first in whatever I do because they are the best thing that has happened to me in this lifetime. ❣️


I am a graduate of Tourism and Hospitality Management from Canadian Tourism and Hospitality Institute. A lot of people believe that tourism course is just a piece of cake. They say that it is just for people who have looks but no brains. I totally disagree, as for the reason that studying and experiencing the tourism industry was not really easy. It will take you a lot of courage, a lot of efforts and a lot of dedication to do your responsibilities inside the tourism industry. One of the hardest part you will encounter is handling guest’s questions and concerns. We all know that all of the people have different personalities and characteristics. Some people are nice and most of the people you’ll encounter is ill-mannered. Even so, whoever they are and whatever personality they might show, you have to make sure that you’re still giving them a good customer service that they need. I badly wanted to be a flight attendant and I also love travelling, reason why I took up this course, but then, the pandemic happened. Pandemic hinders people to travel from one place to another and it also stopped me on pursuing my career. However, I did not lose hope, the pandemic might stop me from becoming a flight attendant but it won’t stop me from doing what I am passionate about, TRAVELLING. After all the lockdown, I emersed myself wandering to different places in my city. Most of the time I hike by myself and I actually did enjoy traveling alone for I can ponder well and can think clearly.


When I had the chance to work after the pandemic, I applied for an executive assistant position of a Training Institute / Travel Agency. The job requires me to assist the CEO of the company regarding with his travels, trainings and some other appointments. I experienced numerous things from this job. I travelled to my dream vacation here in our country such as Palawan, Davao, Isabella, Nueva Vizcaya, Nueva Ecija, Ifugao, Mountain Province, La Union and a lot more. I feel very lucky to have this job as I get to experience life thru travel while working. However, it did not last long. The enjoyment did not last long, my responsibility as an executive assistant was getting harder and harder to the point that I wasn’t able to take care of myself, I haven’t had the chance to spend time with my family because I was just able to go home once in two weeks. I wasn’t able to go to church on Sundays because my boss would give me a day off within weekdays. It was really hard to adjust things that’s why I resigned after 3 months. It was a tough decision for me, however, I’m still grateful for the extraordinary experiences and memories. I also learned a lot especially during the trainings I have joined. I also enjoyed every places that I got to visit with my boss as his executive assistant. I am also delighted to meet other people from different places and learn their different perspective in life. I truly desire this job, however my family and my spiritual growth is much more important to me.


I tried to work from home because it was the only way that I can really focus on working, having a quality time with my family and at the same time growing spiritually. I tried working in an ESL Company, I tried teaching kids and adults. As time goes by, I’ve realized that teaching is not my passion, it’s not the job that I wanted to do. I love English language but teaching wasn’t the right job for me. What I wanted to do is to manage my own travel agency or ticketing business. I am more comfortable being a travel consultant as well as sharing amazing travel services and travel experiences to other people. Now, I am already building my plans on how to commence it.


I always mention how I love my family and how amazing they are. Now, it’s time to get to know them.

My mother is from La Trinidad and my father is from Ilocos, so I am half Ibaloi and half Ilocano. I have five handsome brothers and two beautiful sisters. My mother and father separated 10 years go, that is why me and my siblings also got to separate from each other. I am currently living with my mother and my little brother, my three elder siblings are in abroad and my other siblings are with my dad in Baguio City. Even if we are all separated, we still get in touch towards each other, we still support each other and we still help one another. That is why I will never call it ‘broken family’ because even though my parents are separated, so as me and my siblings, our love for each other will always be the same and will never change no matter how far we are from each other. I just really miss how we used to be, until now, I’m still hoping and praying for us to perfectly complete again.


I really love sharing my experiences to other people, I believe it’s a way of building a good relationship. That is why, I want to thank you for your interest in reading as well as in engaging to my story. I believe this hive will truly help me to effectively share my perspective as well as gain a lot of different perspective from other people.

Also, I would like to express my gratitude to those people who gave me this amazing opportunity @suteru and my aunt @ehlle-07. ❤️

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