Catching Up With Rainebow: Six Things That Makes Me Feel Productive

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Dear Gentle Readers,

Hey there, rainebows! I’m back again, and again, with another blog! How have you guys been doing for the past few days? Can you guys feel the warm breeze these days? It’s actually making me more productive and energized, though it’s El Niño. The climate isn’t stopping me from grinding and being the best version of myself. The sun greets me every morning and tires me every afternoon, yet it graces me with a wonderful sight when it sets. It’s just that it was never the sun’s fault as to why our climate is getting warmer. That’s why, even though it’s getting warmer and warmer, I wouldn’t want to stop and be productive.

Before I proceed, I would like to ask: What do you guys look forward to, or what is your main goal for the day?

For today’s blog, I’m going to share what I have been doing lately that has made me fully productive during my whole week. Even during the weekdays, I still keep on doing things that make me productive to experience the fulfilment I want to have. I want to share these things and sprinkle some dazzling positivity for everyone. Now, without further ado, let’s get started!

📍Gua Sha Face Massage Routine


This is a gua sha. It originated in China about 2,000 years ago. Now, it’s widely used in the U.S. Gua sha helps with lymphatic drainage that causes bloating in your body. By doing this kind of face massage, the face will avoid swelling or bloating. It makes your skin feel lighter and just makes you feel better!

I got interested in this gua sha massage since I saw Kendall Jenner doing this kind of routine. She’s just an icon, and gorgeous is an understatement, I’d say. I do this routine right after I wake up, before I wash my face. After doing the gua sha, I rinse the oil on my face and cleanse my face.



Pilates is a more relaxed exercise, though it is different from yoga. Pilates enhances core strength, balance, and flexibility. It also maintains good posture and the overall health of the body. This kind of exercise encourages me to have a deep focus and creates balance in my thoughts.

I’ve been doing Pilates for 2 months now, and it’s really maintaining my sanity and a healthy body figure. You guys can pair pilates with ginger shots! By doing pilates, I feel so rewarded afterwards and just feel so good.

📍Attending academic classes


Of course, as a student, I have classes. I’m a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Science) student, and I mostly love my subjects, especially if they're related to science. Yesterday, we just had a chemistry laboratory activity. It involved chemicals, metals, and fun! We enjoyed our time inside the laboratory. Our teacher gave us a chance to take a documentary of the moment where the chemical reaction takes place and gives a POP! It was scary at first, but the pop wasn’t a boom kind of pop.

We also had a great lecture session in our Physical Science subject. Our teacher discussed how to use the triangular bandage to aid in emergency situations. This is for our practical exam, where we will do a real-life simulation of an emergency situation, and we are the responders. It was great to learn the lesson, and I’m glad I was able to learn so many things.

These are just examples of my interesting classes, and by learning, I feel so rejuvenated and energized! I’m so lucky to be able to learn, and it’s so great!


The kitchen is my favourite part of the house! On random days, I just spot some ingredients and make food out of them. Don’t worry, I can tell myself that I’m a good home cook. My family always approves of my cooking, so I just keep on cooking for them.

Mostly, I make snacks or desserts, and I always cook for our dinner. Cooking has always been a great way of coping for me, and even if I’m not going through something, cooking something just makes me feel so good and productive.

📍Doing the laundry

I’m always the one who isn't too lazy to do the laundry. I do laundry every Friday and Saturday. It’s actually surprisingly rewarding. Everyone can’t say that I did nothing the whole day since I did the laundry.😂 Maybe that’s why it’s rewarding. Nevertheless, this chore is actually my favorite. It’s kind of fun, and it makes me think and reflect while doing it. It’s weird, but yeah.

📍Spending time with friends or family

I’m a family person. I spend most of my time with my family and my chosen family. Whether it’s a simple meal out or just talking with them, it makes me feel better. We do catch up and check on each other; we just keep updating about everything in the world. Honestly, I get to learn so many different things from them. It’s really wise that I chose this group of friends, and it's very good for me to spend time mostly with my family.

Those are the six things that make me feel so productive. Every morning, I always make a goal and look forward to being productive. Whatever the circumstances, I choose to be productive because it makes me feel so good. It showers me with great positivity and an energy that never fails to push me forward.

Now, how about you guys? You can start your day however you want. You can also share the things that make you productive! I’d be glad to know those things and learn from them.

Thank you so much for reading my blog! If you've reached this far, vv thank youuu. Stay healthy and hydrated these days, rainebows. Don't forget to soread positivity and keep on loving!

Till the next blog rainebows!

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