
Good day hivers! Hoping you are all in good health and enjoying the cold weather these days specially those who are in mountainous areas. The weather allows me to wear my jacket early morning, it is just so cold today and past few days.


For today's blog will still be our baking session, training is not yet over and we are still learning more of some of the baked goods that we need to know. I am always eager to know every session as this is where our learnings are added. Instructor might know things that we don't know that is why it is also important to take down notes, listen to the teacher during discussion and also apply what you've learned during actual session.


Most of the dry ingredients during baking needs to be sifted to avoid lumps during mixing. The baking process needs careful attention it is because the oven also that we are using is not automatic, we have to use timer during baking and check the bread and all baked goods if already cooked.


This is time I will try to make petit fours. In my first experience petit fours is so hard as this is very small or bite sized cakes and have to decorate or glaze it like a cake also. Easy to look at how petit fours were made, but it is actually hard because of their size, but maybe if you will only directly dip the portions to the melted chocolates, it is just easy😆

Base on my research, you can actually store petit fours in a freezer or an airtight containers for a month or For me petit fours are best served when it is fresh.


Those are petit fours right there, the small size cakes, swiss roll and then cakes. We bake everything you can see in the table for a day, but before we started, we need to have lecture so we can understand the things that we will be doing after.




There is so much to learn in baking, baking for me is fun. If you are a beginner and want to practice at home, this will be a great hobby. Most of the baked products are really flavorful when used with a quality of their ingredients. Some may have different procedures too. But with the ingredients when not use correctly you will really have different result or outcome.







That icing thing for the cake takes longer as making the meringue needs that you can achieve the stiff peaks before you can say your meringue is okay now. Turn the bowl upside down and if it doesn't fall back it is set already.





Before going home,the day will not be complete for everyone if there is no group pictorial. Actually this will also be useful if we will be doing our portfolio already. Pictures can be use as documentation. It's good to also capture memories if times like this. This is once in a year experience, learning skills sometimes is important so we can have ideas of what and how they do such baking with the bread we eat every morning partnered with my favorite coffee.


Every group was also ask to bake swiss roll wherein the baked goods in a jelly pan is also the one we make for petit fours. In swiss roll, as soon as you take the baked goods you have to roll it directly before it hardens or cool down, because if it happens you will have hard time rolling it to your desired size.


In my realization, baked goods like cakes were just easy as we look at the product, but the time you tried baking it yourself, you will definitely appreciate the hard work that the baker or pastry chef put into it. Even if how easy you think of baking bread, try it yourself and then let us see what you can say.

From mixing the ingredients to kneading the dough, letting it rise for the first and second time, until you out it in the oven and check the quality of your masterpiece.

It isn't it that hard? But we as customer's criticize so easily. Let us then not judge the baked goods for we don't know what the baker experience inside the kitchen.


Being able to experience as a trainee of Bread and Pastry Production, I should say, bakers are one of the most patience people in the world. One of the most talented employees, that put most of their skills on their work and focus to finish it right.

To end my blog, hopefully we will learn to appreciate baked goods around us.

I want to say thank you again for dropping by with my posts, your comments,reblog and votes are highly appreciated. Thank you for the support always. Sorry for being busy this week.

Again thank you so much everyone☺️☺️

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